Join the IMF Team With Two Interactive Websites for “Mission: Impossible – Ghost Protocol” Dan Koelsch, December 24, 2011 This is the first weekend that Mission: Impossible – Ghost Protocol is out in regular theaters, and if you haven’t had a chance to see, it’s definitely worth your money. You can read our full review here, but if you want to join IMF yourself, then we have two missions for you, if you choose to accept them. Find out about about some new interactive websites for the fourth Mission: Impossible film after the break. First up we have, where via Facebook, you are framed for being the terrorist Cobalt featured in the film. The interactivity is pretty much nil, as all you do is login through Facebook and the video animation uses that information to personalize the story. In the end you get a black and white saturated copy of your profile that has “Disavowed” stamped on it. With the click of a button, that photo can go to your Facebook or Twitter page. It’s pretty neat, but very simple.What may be more interesting for those looking to kill time is MI4 UK subpage Deep Zoom. Deep Zoom is a game that has you taking surveillance photos of an exchange of nuclear codes in Dubai, slightly mimicking the storyline in the film. There’s one large picture that you explore and zoom in to find your targets. It’s pretty fun, plus you unlock clips from the movie with each successful target, along with character information.There is also an official social game for the film on Facebook, so check that out if you like those kind of games (I don’t).Let us know what you think of these two websites. Mission: Impossible – Ghost Protocol opens in UK theaters on December 26th. Follow the film on Facebook and Twitter. Social Networks Viral Marketing FacebookMission: Impossible Ghost Protocolonline game
This Week In Viral: Terminator Viral Ends? May 25, 2009April 30, 2010Terminator Salvation opened this weekend, and thus another viral ends. Or does it? One of the challenges of covering viral campaigns is knowing when they really end. Read more… Read More
Viral Video Round-Up: Iron Baby, Reality TV Spoilers, and Star Wars iPad Briefing May 31, 2010As a Memorial Day treat, we have a few viral videos for you. First off, we have an Iron Man/Baby mashup by Patrick Boivin, who has a track record of making interesting mash up videos. Next, we have the Fine Brothers with the latest in their spoiler series, “100 Reality… Read More
“Under The Skin” Viral Site Asks A Touchy Question March 6, 2014March 6, 2014While we look forward Scarlett Johansson as Black Widow, her smaller horror project is about to be unleashed the very same day as Captain America: The Winter Soldier. Under The Skin looks to be a weird, creepy and wild ride. Recently, the studio released a new viral site related to… Read More
Oh I’d love to go further in Deep Zoom but I can’t get futher than Craneco – I’ve found the crane with the banner on it but the operative says ‘I can’t help feeling there’s something else’ and I’ve looked everywhere in the area indiacted by the radar but can’t find it! Can anyone help me please – it’s driving me nuts!
I couldn’t open the cobalt app, but both the deep zoom and the mission impossible game were fun. But I wonder, Tom Cruise agreed to have his image on an online game?
Look at the window below the Craneco and will see somebody holding some kind of telescope, take a picture. Can´t get further either.
Look at the window below the Craneco and will see somebody holding some kind of telescope, take a picture. Can´t get further either.
DEEP ZOOM GAME IM:GHOST PROTOCOL first: who cant do first? 2) x:594 y:5992 Russian girl with telescope..3) x:7852 y:5696 UK guy making deal.. 4) x:7772 y:8537 Ukraine driver standing on street by a car.. (his mirror reflection in window of the building) IM:Completed ..that zooming device should be attached to sniper rifle 😉