Can You Spot The Subliminal Advertising In This “Hawaii Five-0” Clip? Dan Koelsch, January 20, 2012December 27, 2012 In a new episode of CBS’s Hawaii Five-0 this past Monday, a particular clip seemed to have some kind of secret subliminal message regarding a sandwich shop. See if you can spot it in the video after the jump. Obviously we are being sarcastic in our title and intro. The show blatantly stops its storyline for a full minute to sell you Subway sandwiches. I know times are tough, but this is pretty tasteless (pun intended). Is this the worst product placement in television history? Let us know what you think in the comments below.Source: The New York Times Viral Marketing Viral Videos CBSHawaii Five-0SubwayViral video
Viral Video Round Up: Die Hard, Skyfall, Guy Ritchie, And More! February 10, 2013The Internet is full of videos related to movies, whether they be fan made, studio made, or somewhere in between. We regularly bring you the best, most interesting, or just plain weirdest, and today we do it again. Check out the latest viral videos after the break. Read More
$300 YouTube Video Lands Filmmaker a $30 Million Movie Deal December 19, 2009December 19, 2009How’s this for the power of the Internet? Federico Alvarez, a Uraguayan filmmaker, posted a video on YouTube in early November titled “Ataque de Panico” (Panic Attack), and within days received a slue of offers from Hollywood studios to make a feature length film. He eventually settled with Ghost House… Read More
Facebook and Discovery Have Literally Gone “Viral” July 20, 2010July 20, 2010Look out Farmville! You are about to have your ass kicked by something so much more real than housing a turtle, or finding gold in your corn field. Granted, I have no idea what you do in Farmville, because I block that stupid thing, but what I do know is,… Read More