Viral Projections For “The Amazing Spider-Man” Lead To Screening Event! Caleb Hamilton, January 27, 2012March 21, 2012 We’re still about 6 months away from seeing Spider-Man swing back onto the big screen and it has been a while since we were all wowed by that teaser trailer back in July. Now it seems an international viral campaign has begun that will let you see some footage early. Get the details after the break.Hey U Guys, a London based film blog, was sent images of a viral projection which seemed to be promoting Marc Webb’s reboot, The Amazing Spider-Man. As you can see below, they were just projecting the new logo on to buildings at first.But then a second projection was spotted that gave a date and a website:The website, allows fans in the U.K. to reserve passes to get a sneak peek of the upcoming film on February 6th. is reporting that similar displays will be going up in Rio, Los Angeles and New York tonight that will lead to Amazing Spider-Man opens on July 3rd in Real-D 3D and IMAX 3D!Sources: Viral Marketing screeningSony PicturesThe Amazing Spider-Man
News Super Bowl Trailers: Super 8, Transformers, Thor, and Captain America February 6, 2011March 11, 2011In case you missed any of the commercials, we’ve rounded up all the ads for films shown over the first half of the Super Bowl, other than the Cowboys & Aliens spot. After the jump, watch the spots for Super 8, Transformers, Thor, and Captain America. Read More
More “Kick-Ass 2” Viral Videos Released for “Justice Forever” Recruitment July 1, 2013July 2, 2013Last week, Kick-Ass himself released a video, asking for people to leave their “normal life” behind and join his team of superheroes, Justice Forever. Now several of the other team members, Dr. Gravity (Donald Faison), Insect Man (Robert Emms) and Battle Guy (Clark Duke) have released similar videos. Check them… Read More
Viral Video: Thankful Oscars March 6, 2010March 6, 2010With the Academy Awards just one day away, the Oscars have a hold on the industry right now. Fortunately, all that coverage can give us some funny viral videos, like this one from Whirled Interactive, which creates a remix of several long Oscar acceptance speeches. With the producers of the… Read More