FOX’s “Alcatraz” Viral Turns Into Sweepstakes Dan Koelsch, February 1, 2012 On Friday we updated you on the latest part of the Legends of Alcatraz viral campaign for FOX’s new mystery show Alcatraz. A select few actually got to go on a special tour of the prison island and collect some viral clues. Find out what happened after the jump. Collider has the details of the scavenger hunt from the viral event, which included some pretty cool items. Read the fan-written description of the event over there, but if you couldn’t make it, then you are still in luck. The Legends of Alcatraz website has some puzzles you can play in order to get more entries into their Ford sweepstakes. There are five puzzles open now, with more added every week. We don’t want to spoil the fun, so we won’t give you the answers.Let us know in the comments below if you like the fact this has turned into a sweepstakes, or would you have rather had more complex narrative viral campaign?P.S. The FOX YouTube channel looks to be starting a series of videos that have Dr. Soto (Jorge Garcia) giving a tour of Alcatraz. Could this be part of the viral campaign, or simply a nice little online exclusive for fans? Watch Part 1 below. ARGs & Campaigns Viral Marketing Viral Videos AlcatrazFoxLegends of Alcatraz
It’s “Pirates Day” at Hot Topic May 12, 2011May 12, 2011Jack Sparrow has always had some sort of affect on the female population. Whether it is his charm, dashing good looks, or his way with words, the infamous pirate from the Pirates of the Caribbean franchise will set sail once again on May 20th. But fans might not have to… Read More
Conventions Annabelle Scare Prank Created for Toronto Fan Expo September 6, 2014With the upcoming The Conjuring spin-off movie, Annabelle, hitting theaters on October 3rd, the makers used the Toronto Fan Expo to help promote the release with a little scare prank involving the cursed doll. A display was made with a woman dressed up as a human-sized version of the doll and… Read More
“The Dark Knight Rises” Teaser Trailer Has Some Familiar Chanting; Great Fan Poster For The Batman Trilogy July 18, 2011July 18, 2011Finally, after a teaser viral, a teaser poster, and an entire weekend of waiting, we finally have the trailer for The Dark Knight Rises. WB released the trailer on the official Facebook fan page for The Dark Knight Rises, so naturally there is no embed code. But turn that frown… Read More