“The Dictator” Welcomes You to the Republic of Wadiya Michael Lee, February 3, 2012February 3, 2012 Leave it to Sacha Baron Cohen to make an enlightening mockery of current events. The actor who has tackled the likes of a hilariously bad hip-hop artist, an inept tourist, and a flamboyant fashion reporter, is taking on a new persona: a Middle East dictator. To spread the word of his iron fist and tyranny, Supreme Leader Shabazz Aladeen, The Dictator, has launched a brand new website that promises some of the most outrageous and unnecessary things to the people of Wadiya. Hit the jump to see more. Though it looks like it was assembled rather quickly, the new site for Republic of Wadiya, does offer some hilarious features as well as some history to Aladeen.When you enter the site, don’t forget to read the news ticker at the top of the site. You will see some of those crazy demands and promises I had mentioned earlier. Demands like an end to Heidi Klum and Seal’s marriage, and some of the science propaganda “Physics: God announces discovery of elusive Aladeen particle.”The biographical content on the site will have relevance in the movie. Here’s an example of the kind of comedy you can expect in The Dictator.“He was seventh son of the glorious Wadiyan President-For-Life Omar Aladeen. His mother was an Air France stewardess who tragically died of an oxygen underdose shortly after Aladeen’s birth in 1982 – this fact means he is now 30 years old. Any photos you may have seen of Aladeen as a child in the mid-70s, including a great one of him at the premiere of Saturday Night Fever, were doctored by the corrupt Zionist Western media.”There are also sites to Facebook, YouTube and Twitter accounts for the Republic, there are pages for North Korea, Iran, Robert Mugabe… and Office Depot, Zappos shoes and Victoria’s Secret. Then, at the bottom, the UN Commission on Human Rights with the note “hilarious site.” Basically its another reflection Aladeen. Viral Marketing Viral News Paramount PicturesThe Dictator
Twitter “Earlybird” Offers Free Ticket To Sorcerer’s Apprentice July 15, 2010Earlier this month, Twitter created a new account named “Earlybird“, which offers exclusive limited time deals, sneak-peeks, and other goodies. Yesterday, the Earlybird sung it’s first song, tweeting out information on how to get a free ticket to Disney’s latest film, The Sorcerer’s Apprentice . Read More
Win A $1 Million If You Throw 100 MPH At Disney’s “Million Dollar Arm” Pitching Contest April 22, 2014Million Dollar Arm is based on JB Bernstein’s travels to India to find new baseball talent in hopes of keeping his sport agency alive. In a country known more for the sport of Cricket than baseball, he found two exciting pitching prospects thanks in part to a reality show competition… Read More
Contests Which Smurf Do You Want On “America’s Got Talent”? Vote and Enter For A Chance To Win Great Prizes! July 21, 2011Over the past few weeks, fans of the Smurfs have been working to get their favorite characters on the popular NBC talent show America’s Got Talent. Well, now you can help too! After the jump, vote for which Smurf you’re looking forward to seeing on America’s Got Talent the most… Read More