“The Amazing Spider-Man” Theatrical Trailer Leaves A Viral Calling Card Michael Lee, February 7, 2012March 21, 2012 If you stayed up late to watch the new trailer for Marc Webb’s The Amazing Spider-Man, then you saw the webslinger leave his calling card, and not just on the walls, but within the trailer itself. Yes that’s right, if you look hard enough you will find a site that will take you to a new viral site for The Amazing Spider-Man. Hit the jump to see The Mark of the Spider-Man.If you watched the trailer only once, than you might of missed the link, but for those who go through these highly anticipated films frame by frame, then you might have seen the site that will take you to this new site. The phrase “The Mark of the Spider-Man” is hidden within the platinum webbing towards the end of the trailer. The site markofthespider-man.com takes us to a site with six screens filled with static, but it should lead us to something much bigger. Below is the trailer, be sure to watch of for possible clues that could appear in future viral updates.As aforementioned, Spider-Man leaves a spray-painted calling card, which could be a significant piece in the viral puzzle. I could see Sony dropping a lot of calling cards leading up to the day of the release of the movie. So with movieviral staff writers located around the country, you can be sure we will keep our eyes peeled as the viral progresses. ARGs & Campaigns Viral Marketing Marc WebbMark of the Spider-ManSony PicturesThe Amazing Spider-Man
NBC’s ‘The Event’ Adds Character Twitters and New Viral Website September 20, 2010September 26, 2010The Event premieres tonight on NBC, and if the mystery grabs you, there are some crafty online options for you to peel away the secrecy. First of all, many of the big characters have their own Twitter accounts. Also, a blog has been created for someone who is seeking the… Read More
Viral Video Round Up: Moneyball, The Riddler, Empire Strikes Back, Julia Roberts, And More! October 9, 2011October 18, 2011The Internet is full of videos related to movies, whether they be fan made, studio made, or somewhere in between. We regularly bring you the best, most interesting, or just plain weirdest, and today we do it again. Check out the latest viral videos after the break.Pages: 1 2 Read More
Tron Night Footage Reviewed and Interview with “Legacy” Writers October 28, 2010October 18, 2011Tron Night 2010 may be tonight, but Disney staff and select press got an advanced screening this morning of the 24 minute preview for Tron Legacy. We also got to talk to Legacy writers Edward Kitsis and Adam Horowitz (Felicity, LOST) in a roundtable setting. Listen to the audio from… Read More