Disney-Pixar’s “Brave” Will ‘Change Your Fate in Two Days’ Michael Lee, February 21, 2012February 21, 2012 Briefly: One of the central themes of Disney-Pixar’s upcoming Brave is being able to change your destiny. Is Merida going to be a princess with proper etiquette or she is going to follow her calling and be the adventurous warrior like her father? Of course we can’t answer that right now, the movie comes out June 15th, but we might be getting some more clues to the story in just a couple of days. Brave’s official Facebook Fan Page has just posted that its fans can change their fate in two days. Does this mean we will be getting the first clip from the film, a new trailer, a new poster, or the start of a viral campaign? We don’t know, but we will keep our eyes peeled for the big reveal, which happens in two days. Viral Marketing BraveDisneyPixar
“Antiviral” Viral Site: Discover What Celebrity Viruses You Can Willingly Become Infected With August 11, 2012August 11, 2012As shown in this edition of trailers weekly, a new viral site for Antiviral has appeared, and if you saw the trailer for the film (which i suggest you do, because its just twisted) then it should give you a slight clue as to what this viral site could contain…. Read More
2014 Best Picture Nominee Posters In Lego Form February 13, 2014February 13, 2014American commercials may not be as adept to getting A-list stars to appear on their commercials like international commercials do – have you seen what they did for The Lego Movie-, but they sure know how to spark some interest through satirizing or parody. Now the film may not be… Read More
2012: Soren Ulfert Resigns from the IHC September 17, 2009September 18, 2009UPDATE: Soren Ulfert has updated his Twitter: For those asking why I resigned, the short story is — I didn’t. If that wasn’t omnious enough, Charlie Frost tweeted exactly what we’re thinking: Rumor has it that @SorenUlfert was forced out of @TheIHC…I kinda feel bad for the guy The mystery… Read More