Trailers Weekly: “The Raid: Redemption”, “Brave”, “Wrath of the Titans”, “Comic Con Episode IV”, “Project X” Michael Lee, February 25, 2012December 27, 2012 Trailers Weekly is a feature in which we bring you the most popular and talked about trailers of the week. Sharing trailers is a classic viral practice, and trailers are still the most mainstream way for people to learn about movies. We got an unconventional trailer for Brave. We also have the action-packed trailer for The Raid: Redemption and Wrath of the Titans. Morgan Spurlock’s nerdy documentary Comic Con Episode IV: A Fan’s Hope. Finally the Red Band Trailer for Project X. Hit the jump to see them all.Brave This footage isn’t anything new, in fact if you have been keeping up with Trailers Weekly, you’ve seen bits and pieces of this. But I saw the clip at D23 and while the animation lives up to Pixar standards, we aren’t seeing anything outside the castle as of yet. The Pixar animators I follow on twitter confirm that this was an actual trailer and not a clip. Seems unconventional and I am not sure if it really worked.More Project X VideosThe Raid: Redemption All those taglines saying that this is one of the best action movies of the year are not understatements. Based on the look of this, The Raid: Redemption does in fact look like one of the most intense actioners to date. There doesn’t seem to be a moment to take your breath, and with 30 floors of chaos, I don’t think there will be time to stop for a water break.Wrath of the Titans Wrath of the Titans looks exactly the same as Clash of the Titans, except that there are a few more gods and monsters than its predecessor. Scratch that, there are countless ferocious beasts that threaten Perseus and Zeus. Jonathan Liebesman may be directing, but it sure feels like nothing as changed. Comic Con Episode IV: A Fan’s Hope Comic-con is the convention of all pop culture/geek related conventions. You have anime, you have comics, you have animation, toys, cosplayers, everything the little geek inside of you could ever want. Morgan Spurlock documented his time at a comic-con to see the world of the crazed event. As you can see there are much more than just fans, there are collectors and dreamers. We are still waiting on that documentary on movie bloggers though. Project XMore Project X VideosWB’s red band trailer for the Todd Phillip’s produced teenage debachaury found footage movie Project X, reveals all kinds of wild and crazy teenage antics and shows why this movie is being released as a red band trailer. Sex, drugs, alcohol, and obscenities, this red band trailer has it all, and a few other things as well. What did you think of this week’s trailers? Which was your favorite? Do you agree with the Internet buzz? Of course, every week there are a lot more trailers, teasers, TV spots, and clips that we can’t cover, so go to to see your favorites. You can also download trailers in HD at, or the new iTunes Movie Trailers App on your iPhone or iPad. Features Trailers Weekly BraveCOMIC-CON EPISODE FOUR: A FANS HOPEProject XThe RaidThe Raid: RedemptionWrath of the Titans
Trailers Weekly: “Django Unchained”, “Resident Evil: Retribution”, “Pitch Perfect”, and “Magic Mike” June 16, 2012December 27, 2012Trailers Weekly is a feature in which we bring you the most popular and talked about trailers of the week. Sharing trailers is a classic viral practice, and trailers are still the most mainstream way for people to learn about movies. This week we got trailers for Django Unchained, Resident… Read More
Trailers Weekly: “Fast & Furious 6,” “Aftershock”, “Violet & Daisy”, “Girl Most Likely”, “White House Down” May 4, 2013Trailers Weekly is a feature in which we bring you the most popular and talked about trailers of the week. Sharing trailers is a classic viral practice, and trailers are still the most mainstream way for people to learn about movies. This week we have trailers for Fast & Furious… Read More
The Buzz: The Hobbit, Prometheus Sequel, and The Greatest Movie of All Time August 3, 2012The Buzz is a feature in which we round up the Top 3 most-buzzed-about movie/TV stories of the week (in chronological order). Why go through pages of blogs just to find out what everyone is talking about? We’ve got it all right here in The Buzz. Read More