“The Muppets” Feel The Hunger in “The Hunger Games” Parody Trailer Michael Lee, March 6, 2012March 6, 2012 The Muppets had an amazing marketing run and it seemingly came to an end when the movie opened in theaters in November. But its not over. Not by a long shot. With the DVD/Blu-ray being released on March 20th, the marketing team at Walt Disney Pictures are at it again. This time the trailer pokes fun at The Hunger Games, which is also hitting theaters that same week. The trailer does feature some scenes that didn’t make the final cut, but doesn’t offer anything else about the DVD. So if you “Feel the Hunger,” then you should hit the jump and watch this latest parody trailer for Disney’s The Muppets. Viral Marketing The Muppets
Nickelodeon’s “Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles” Viral Campaign Asks You To Choose Your Side July 12, 2012With the September 29th premiere of the CG-animated series “Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles” fast approaching, Nickelodeon has decided that this week’s Comic Con be the best place and time to launch their new viral campaign. For details on the interactive game that puts you fighting with or against the turtles,… Read More
Has “The Dark Knight Rises” Viral Campaign Begun? December 7, 2011Just a few hours after writing about how The Dark Knight Rises still had hope for a viral campaign, our wish may have come true. Two fake CIA documents have been sent out that that might be the start of the campaign. Get the details after the break. Read More
Celebrate Star Wars Day By Putting Yourself in The Empire Strikes Back May 4, 2010Today, May 4th, is the unofficial Star Wars Day. Why this day? Does “May the 4th be with you” sound familiar? While the date has not gained ground in creating any kind of large activities, many Star Wars fans use the day to re-watch the old Trilogy and maybe even… Read More