“Men In Black III” Viral Takes Page From “District 9”, Plus New Video From BugEyes Dan Koelsch, March 6, 2012April 1, 2012 Back in November, we told you about the beginning of a viral campaign for the upcoming sci-fi adventure comedy Men in Black III. There hadn’t been much movement, unfortunately, until today, when we got a new activity that should remind you of District 9. Details after the break. The viral website TheMenInBlackSuitsAreReal.com and associated Facebook page are run by a 14-year-old kid with the handle “BugEyes126”. BugEyes thinks there are aliens on Earth and that men in black suits go around covering it up.Comingsoon.net reports on a poster for Men in Black that features a phone number, 1-888-202-9797. It turns out that it’s the Men in Black Suits Hotline, and it is hosted by BugEyes, as the poster suggests. There’s a few menu options, but they only new information is that there is an alien named Clive that may become part of the narrative soon.The most interesting thing to me is the option to leave a message about your own sightings of the MIB. This is very reminiscent of the part of the District 9 viral campaign that had people call and leave a message if they saw a “Non-Human”. These messages were put onto a Community Watch map. The similarity isn’t coincidental, since both films were made by Sony-owned studios.BugEyes posted a YouTube video yesterday for his “MIBelievers” implying that there is more to come. Check out the video below, and subscribe to his channel to see new videos as they come out.Men in Black III opens May 25th in 3D. ARGs & Campaigns Viral Marketing Viral Videos District 9Men In BlackMen in Black 3Sony
Fan Made Work Viral Video: 250 Movie Introductions December 10, 2010/Film found a nice mash-up video that has 250 introductions for characters, group, and things (i.e. Robocop‘s ED 209). It’s almost 10 minutes long, but it’s definitely worth a look, especially if you never realized how often characters introduce themselves. The video was made by someone calling themselves Exophrine, and… Read More
What Is It? No Really, That’s The Name Of The Video September 11, 2010September 11, 2010One of the coolest, and yet, at the same time, most annoying things, is looking at something for a long period of time, because you think something is there, or better yet, because you’re told something is there. That is exactly what is going on with what you are about… Read More
Mysterious J.J. Abrams Teaser Video Could Be For A Book? August 20, 2013August 20, 2013Yesterday, we posted about the mysterious teaser trailer that was released on the Bad Robot YouTube page. The internet has been abuzz with speculation as to what the “Stranger” trailer is for. Some people thought it might be for the upcoming TV show Believe, but they already released a promotional… Read More