NBC Debuts First of Three “Community” Animated Webisodes Dan Koelsch, March 7, 2012 NBC’s college sitcom Community comes back on the air on March 15th, but if you are still jonesing for a fix of your favorite study group before then, you’re in luck. NBC has released the first of three animated webisodes, and you can watch it after the break.The other two webisodes will be released later this week, and so come back to watch them. Viral Marketing Viral Videos CommunityNBCwebisodes
Oreo Brand Goes Global With Its Marketing For The New “Transformers” Film May 15, 2014The well-known cookie brand Oreo has done some movie tie-ins in the past, but nothing like this. For the first time ever, it’s inked a global movie marketing deal with Paramount Pictures to help promote their upcoming film, Transformers: Age of Extinction. After the break, find out some of the… Read More
Revolt Yourself! January 27, 2010January 27, 2010Youth in Revolt has got it’s own viral site, inviting you to get down and create your bad self! The film stars Michael Cera as the token good guy, Nick Twisp, who is always the friend, never the boyfriend. To get away from his good guy image he creates an… Read More
“The Inspector Spacetime Movie” Enlists Surprise Guest Stars March 13, 2014March 13, 2014After SEASON 1 of an Untitled Web Series About A Space Traveler Who Can Also Travel Through Time became a smash hit due to the demand fans had for more after its appearance on Community, the satire of the show about a certain Doctor found new life on the web. A… Read More