Zombies to Invade Facebook in New “The Walking Dead” Social Game Alex Gerage, March 14, 2012 The Walking Dead is riding high after a couple of jaw-dropping episodes and what promises to be an exciting and pulse-pounding season finale. Seeking to capitalize on its popularity further, AMC has announced the creation of a Walking Dead-themed social game on Facebook. Grounded in the world of the show, the game leverages the best aspects of the social network to offer a truly immersive experience for fans. Hit the jump for more details.RockYou and Eyes Wide Games developed The Walking Dead Social Game specifically for maximum “playability.” The result hopefully is that users will be presented with all the choices and decisions the show’s characters must make to survive, which will lead to significant implications for how the game will play out. You can read more details about the game and check out some screenshots below from the game’s Facebook page: AMC’s The Walking Dead: Social Game features an array of missions that will test your survival skills! New Survivors: The only way to survive is with a team of allies. Create your team of zombie fighters to remain safe and unharmed from the Walker threat.Guard duty: While you’re not online, anything could happen in The Walking Dead Online Universe, so make certain to have your friends on guard to protect your community. Safety is always found in numbers. By adding your friends, you increase your ability to protect your camp as well as your friends’.Narrative driven quests: Complete unique and exciting adventures in popular locations from The Walking Dead television show, as well as never-before-seen locations designed exclusively for the game.Meet your favorite survivors: Now is your chance to interact with the survivors of the hit TV Show, The Walking Dead. Look for the game to go live sometime in April. Until then, you can “like” it on Facebook to receive the latest updates and start preparing for the oncoming zombie social network apocalypse. The season finale of The Walking Dead airs this Sunday night on AMC. Social Networks AMCFacebookThe Walking Dead
‘Jurassic World’ Director Tweets Photo Of “East Dock Sign” September 22, 2014September 22, 2014We have seen some pretty cool self marketing from the Twitter War that is J.J. Abrams‘ Star Wars Episode VII vs Zack Snyder‘s Batman V Superman: Dawn Of Justice. But the one person that seems to be left out of mix is Colin Treverrow, director of Jurassic World. But that… Read More
“Seinfeld Today” Twitter Account Imagines Modern Episode Synopses December 13, 2012December 13, 2012Hot on the heels of @TNG_S8, the parody Twitter account posting synopses of the “unaired” eighth season of Star Trek: The Next Generation, comes a similarly styled feed about everyone’s favorite show about nothing, Seinfeld. Run by Buzzfeed sports editor Jack Moore with help from comedian Josh Gondelman, @SeinfeldToday answers… Read More
Viral Video Round Up: Spring Breakers, Paperman, Bill And Ted, Lincoln, And More! March 24, 2013The Internet is full of videos related to movies, whether they be fan made, studio made, or somewhere in between. We regularly bring you the best, most interesting, or just plain weirdest, and today we do it again. Check out the latest viral videos after the break. Read More
Not sure if you’ve been on Facebook lately but there are definitely already zombies invading!http://www.hopeforzombies.com http://www.facebook.com/hopeforzombies