The Official “LOST” Facebook Page Updates Timeline to Match Events Within the Show Dan Koelsch, March 30, 2012 You may not be following the Facebook page for ABC’s LOST considering it’s been off the air for almost two years, but you real fans may want to start. In honor of castmember Henry Ian Cusick (a.k.a. Desmond Hume) starring in the new ABC series Scandal, the LOST Facebook timeline has been updated to include some events from the show involving Desmond. It’s not surprising to see ABC use the Facebook page of another series to cross-promote, since LOST has over 9 million likes on the social networking site. The page was also used to help promote ABC’s other mystery drama The River to mixed results. While the premiere had a decent 7.59 million viewers, only about half of that those viewers remained by the season finale.The timeline includes images with each added event, including Desmond first meeting Jack, when Desmond killed Kelvin, and of course the day Oceanic 815 crashed. Check out the page to see more.The political drama Scandal debuts on April 5th at 10/9c on ABC. Social Networks Viral Marketing ABCFacebookLOSTScandal
OPHA Launches Simian Flu Viral Website For “Dawn Of The Planet Of The Apes” July 22, 2013At the end of 2011 film Rise of the Planet of the Apes, we were shown a very brief glimpse of the viral outbreak as it reached across the globe. In preparation for the ensuing epidemic that precedes the upcoming sequel, Dawn of the Planet of the Apes, 20th Century… Read More
Guns Depots, Meds, Food, and More Are All Available on the Map of the Dead App April 13, 2012December 27, 2012It’s always good to plan ahead. It will pay tenfold when the zombie apocalypse happens. Even with the fortified shelter, how do you find the necessary supplies to sustain yourself and others? That’s where the Map of the Dead, the latest Zombie Apocalypse Survival App, comes into play. Using the… Read More
Project Prometheus Gives Us A Look At David 8’s “Emotions” April 17, 2012April 17, 2012Earlier today, a new Prometheus viral video featuring Michael Fassbender as the Weyland Industries android, David 8, premiered online. The ad was a sort of mock-interview in which an off-screen voice asked David a series of questions, one of which being “David, what makes you sad?” The robot then displayed… Read More
While the premiere had a decent 7.59 million viewers, only about half of that those viewers remained by the season finale.