Guns Depots, Meds, Food, and More Are All Available on the Map of the Dead App Michael Lee, April 13, 2012December 27, 2012 It’s always good to plan ahead. It will pay tenfold when the zombie apocalypse happens. Even with the fortified shelter, how do you find the necessary supplies to sustain yourself and others? That’s where the Map of the Dead, the latest Zombie Apocalypse Survival App, comes into play. Using the power of Google Maps, the app breaks down every location cataloged by the powerful search engine. Hit the jump to read more about the details about this resourceful app.If you don’t have that fortified shelter that protects yourself from hoards of zombies, then its probably best you take a look at Map of the Dead. If previous zombie movies (Dawn of the Dead) have taught us anything, it would probably be best if you stay away from military bases and hospitals. Good health accounts for extending the quality of life during the zombie Apocalypse (Zombieland). So replenish your ammo, and search for gun depots, this app is for you.Obviously with the zombie outbreak happening, its unlikely that you will be able to use the internet, considering the people running it are walkers. Hopefully Google takes note of this, begins the construction of a zombie proof building. But if they aren’t doing so, then its best to print out hard copies. Viral Marketing Zombie Apocalypse AppZombies
Coke Zero Has New Interactive “TRON: Legacy” Games and Exclusive Content November 25, 2010Coke Zero is to TRON: Legacy as Dr. Pepper was to Iron Man 2. Coke has given us a new mobile iPhone app, interactive cups, new videos, a thinner waistline, and more! Find out all about it after the jump. Read More
Director Starts Independent Viral for “Robot & Frank” on Tumblr August 10, 2012August 10, 2012Here at MovieViral we are usually writing about viral campaigns for big budget films that are run by studios or outsourced to firms like 42 Entertainment. Well, when you make and independent film, your budget is usually very small, so there isn’t a lot of money to market your film… Read More
District 9 Gun on eBay August 3, 2009August 3, 2009Finally, some non-Iron Man news. Remember that awesome Arc Gun we showed District 9 character Wikus carrying? Well, it’s up for auction on eBay! Sure, it’s only the movie prop, but it’s still pretty badass. There’s still several days left, so if you have the cash, go for it! Read More