“Prometheus” Mini-Game Reveals Ship Details Michael Lee, April 17, 2012April 17, 2012 The amount of Prometheus promotional material have revealed more clues about the movie and significantly hindered the mystery behind it. But our viral interest in the film has yet to pique and with a new mini-game called “Prometheus Mission Connect” and we get to see a detailed look at the interiors and exteriors of the exploratory ship. Hit the jump to see what it all looks like. Unfortunately the game itself is only available to those who have a Verizon Wireless phone, and seeing that I don’t have one, the game I cannot describe the mini game in full detail. The only aspect of the game we can reveal is that it starts 81 years in the future (the year 2093) and you are part of a crew headed towards an undisclosed location. But we can reveal the very cool images seen in the game. These images were pulled by Collider. Prometheus hits theaters in 3D and IMAX 3D on June 8th. Viral Marketing Prometheus
Piranha 3D Sequel To Let Fans Choose a Celebrity To Get Eaten September 3, 2010Let’s get your first question out of the way. Yes, there will be a Piranha 3D sequel (Piranha 3D2?). Sure, the horror comedy has only made $20 million going into its third weekend in theaters, but that’s almost the film’s production cost, so the Weinstein Company must see potential for… Read More
“Dawn Of The Planet Of The Apes” Recalls Events That Lead To The War Between Man And Ape June 13, 2014June 13, 2014Rise of the Planet of the Apes ended with the H7N9 virus spreading across the globe, thus leading to near human extinction. What happens between the end of that film and Dawn of the Planet of the Apes could define what happens in the sequel. Now 20th Century Fox has… Read More
Star Trek Viral Campaign Explained in 4 Minutes May 14, 2009April 7, 2010Confused by the Star Trek viral campaign that ended when the film came out this weekend? You’re not the only one (read: me). Here’s a great video that sums up the ARG in 4 minutes. Read More
look at the interiors and exteriors of the exploratory ship. Hit the jump to see what it all looks like. http://www.melbournefooddistributors.com.au