Mark of the Spider-Man: Peter Parker’s Backpack Found and More Dan Koelsch, April 25, 2012 The viral campaign for The Amazing Spider-Man has heated back up after a month on hiatus. The Mark of the Spider-Man website has gotten ahold of Peter Parker’s backpack, and there are some interesting clues inside. Get the details after the jump. The backpack has some innocuous stuff, like supplies for chemistry class, photos, and a Daily Bugle about Spider-Man. However, Peter’s notebook is included, with several pages being revealed. There’s a lot of science-y stuff in there, but also sketches of potential Spider-Man masks and logos. There’s even two pages full of Spider-Man logos written out as a code, which Superhero Hype was able to crack. SOMETIMES THE FACE IN THE MIRROR DOES NOT EVEN LOOK LIKE ME ONE MINUTE I AM ACING MY MIDTERMS THE NEXT I AM IN FISTFIGHTS I HAVE MADE EVERY MISTAKE A TEENAGER COULD MAKE BELIEVE ME I WISH I COULD TAKE BACK MY WORST DECISIONS BUT I CANNOT LIVE IN THE PAST INSTEAD I MUST BECOME THE BEST VERSION OF MYSELF I WILL SUCCEEDAs you might have guessed, the guys at Unfiction helped figure that out, and they also found some other clues that leads to a new viral website, titled Parker’s POV. This site acts a photography blog for our main character, and while it does include your typical pretentious photos, it also has images of the Spider-Man graffiti we’ve covered, Gwen Stacy (Emma Stone) as part of the Debate Club, and a photo proof with some red “x”s and blue “+”s.As of now, the meaning of these marks are not known, but as our friend Anton has pointed out, some of the photos on this blog have a white outline with partial lettering that make up the word “ENGINEERING”. What does this all mean? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below, and we’ll of course have an update when we get some answers.Follow the Mark of the Spider-Man campaign with our Viral Hub, and be sure to check out The Avengers next Friday, which will feature the debut of the last trailer for The Amazing Spider-Man. ARGs & Campaigns Viral Marketing Mark of the Spider-ManParker's POVThe Amazing Spider-Man
Warner Bros. Announces “The Dark Knight Rises” Facebook Game and Partners with Chrysler for TV Commercial Contest June 17, 2012June 17, 2012We’re about a month away from the highly anticipated release of The Dark Knight Rises, the final chapter of Christopher Nolan’s Batman legend. So far, we haven’t had much of a viral campaign set in the world of the film. But being so close to the release date, Warner Bros…. Read More
Latest “Star Wars Episode VII” Tweet Teases A Mysterious Droid Hand August 11, 2014August 11, 2014We’ve watched how Disney and J.J. Abrams have been marketing their Star Wars Episode VII “Force For Change” OMAZE UNICEF campaign for quite some time. With each new update, comes a very exciting tease, or hilarious video between two late night comedians, or a brand new look at a classic… Read More
The Next “Battle: Los Angeles” Viral Stage? December 7, 2010January 19, 2011While it was just the other day, we wrote about the hidden sounds on the new interactive website for Battle: Los Angeles, we now have what could be more of an unannounced placeholder for a future viral campaign. While the site does nothing, and yet again has Sony’s name all… Read More