Men in Black III Viral Ends With Bugeyes Joining the MIB Dan Koelsch, May 15, 2012 Well I guess I could have teased the ending a bit more, but considering how anticlimatic it is anyway, I figured it didn’t matter. The Men in Black III viral campaign seems to have come to an end, and Bugeyes gets what he’s always dreamed of. Get the details after the jump. Bugeyes posted a new video today where he receives a silver suitcase from the Men in Black that has the last suit he’ll ever wear.With the help of other MIBelievers, Bugeyes also figured out the pink surprise cakes are being used to smuggle information without the MIB knowing. His investigative prowess is what earned him his spot with the Men in Black. Maybe his new name will be “B”.Men in Black III opens in 3D on May 25th. ARGs & Campaigns Viral Marketing Men in Black 3
Viral Marketing NBC’s “Hannibal” Posts “10 Fun Facts About Cannibalism” Video January 30, 2014With NBC’s Hannibal returning for a second course in February, we’ve seen all kinds of promotional videos either recapping what happened last season or teasing what to expect this season. One video takes a more interesting approach to marketing the series by showing us “10 Fun Facts about Cannibalism.” Check… Read More
2012: Satnam Responds in Code October 22, 2009As we reported earlier, Soren Ulfert is on the run from the powerful IHC, but must still have his laptop, because he got a response from his friend Dr. Satnam Tsurutani, who he reached out to last week. Satnam works at the IHC, and Soren believes he has inside information… Read More
AMC Scares New Yorkers in “Walking Dead” Viral Video Aimed At Dish Network July 31, 2012The AMC television network has been having a long battle with Dish Network, with Dish Network actually cutting the network, along with sibling channels like IFC, Sundance, and WeTV, at the beginning of July. The dispute is complicated, but as usual, involves money. AMC has now started a campaign to… Read More