New “Total Recall” Viral Website Says No to Rekall Dan Koelsch, June 13, 2012July 8, 2012 A few months ago, a viral website for Columbia Pictures’ Total Recall remake. The site was that of the company featured in the film, Rekall. The site has now become fully active, but there’s another website that wants you think twice about going to Rekall. Get the details after the jump. Total Recall is based on the 1966 short story “We Can Remember It for You Wholesale” by Philip K. Dick. In the film, Colin Farrell plays Doug Quaid, a working stiff in 2084. He decides to go to Rekall, a company that implants memories for a price. However, Quaid’s memory vacation as a secret spy turns bad when he finds out he really is a spy, or is he?Rekall’s company website has a nice clean look to it, and a beautiful concierge guides you through almost everything. There are sections that go into details on the machine used, company personnel, history of memory implants, and the various “experiences” you can purchase. Each “Experience” is actually a real sweepstakes related to the subject matter, such as the UFC Champion experience, in which you can win a 5 hour training session and VIP tickets to a big fight. This is a really great touch, especially with an impressive nine (9) sweepstakes from various partners.You might notice that there are 10 different experiences, but I only stated that there are nine sweepstakes. That is because when you click on the last experience, the blinking gray text “Astronaut”, you actually get a video of Quaid telling you that all your memories could be fake, so you can’t trust anything. Could he be recording this for himself incase they fry his brain?This leads us to the inevitable anti-corporation part of our viral campaign. We’ve seen this countless times, especially with films under the umbrella of Sony. For instance, District 9 had MNU Spreads Lies, and 2012 had various adversaries for the IHC. This time around, we have the simply-titled No Rekall group. There doesn’t seem to be much to the website other than warning of the perils of the procedure, which can include brain damage, total memory loss, and even death.Let us know if you find any other Easter eggs on these sites. Total Recall opens in theaters on August 3rd. ARGs & Campaigns Viral Marketing Total Recall
GKNOVA6: Website Updates, New Codes . . . What Game? April 9, 2010April 10, 2010UPDATE: New discovery – has updated with an all new video which includes a new code. The site was revealed last week after packages were sent to video game websites and fans alike, throwing us into wild speculation. But that was then, so I assume that speculation has… Read More
Viral Video Round Up: Iron Man 3, Cabin In The Woods, Art of the Steadicam, And More! March 10, 2013The Internet is full of videos related to movies, whether they be fan made, studio made, or somewhere in between. We regularly bring you the best, most interesting, or just plain weirdest, and today we do it again. Check out the latest viral videos after the break. Read More
Watch The Viral Video That Inspired ‘Deliver Us From Evil’; New Poster Reveal June 2, 2014June 2, 2014There are few if any viral videos inspires movies. So much of that is usually on the opposite of the spectrum because movie marketing makes way for great viral videos. But the upcoming supernatural thriller Deliver Us From Evil is a film that is actually inspired by a viral video,… Read More
get a video of Quaid telling you that all your memories could be fake, so you can’t trust anything. Could he be recording this for himself incase they fry his brain?