“Burn Notice” Infographic Gets You Caught Up for Season Premiere Dan Koelsch, June 14, 2012 USA’s hit spy series Burn Notice returns for its sixth season tonight with the premiere episode “Scorched Earth”. A lot has happened to Michael Westen in the past six seasons, so if you’re looking for a quick refresher, you’ve come to the right place. After the jump, we have an infographic that shows the twists and turns of Burn Notice. Viral Marketing Burn Noticeinfographic
10 Awesome Uses of Augmented Reality Marketing December 27, 2009December 27, 2009Mashable has collected a nice little list of 10 innovative ways augmented reality has been used for marketing. While many of the items on the list are for regular products like cars and feminine hygiene (no joke), but of course there are some examples of films using it, as we… Read More
“Godzilla” Trailer: You’re Hiding Something Out There February 25, 2014February 25, 2014So after a couple of small viral campaigns to drive up some anticipation, Warner Bros. has released the first full trailer for Godzilla. Hit the jump to see it. Read More
Enter “Skyfall” Lodge In Interactive Website February 14, 2013The 23rd (and most successful) James Bond film Skyfall had its home release on Blu-ray and DVD this week, and to commemorate the occassion, 20th Century Fox Home Entertainment has created an interactive website that lets you explore Skyfall Lodge. Get the details after the break, but beware of spoilers… Read More