Conspiracy Email Leads to “Branded” Clip Dan Koelsch, June 24, 2012June 23, 2012 When we last told you about the movie Branded, it looked like there would be some viral marketing involving QR codes. The sci-fi thriller is about a man who sees the world for what it really is, advertising controlled by aliens. The viral campaign is all about uncovering the conspiracy, and our first update gives us a clip from the film. Check it out after the break. The QR codes from the film’s trailer lead you to the Branded website, in which you can sign up for updates. The latest email states:Dear Loyal Customer,It turns out there is a vast conspiracy. Have you cracked the code?We have released new clues. More soon.The email also has two QR codes, one that links to the trailer, and one that links to a clip from the film, titled “First Marketing Piece“, which you can watch below.It’s hard to tell a real ARG is being started here, or if it’s just a way to disseminate clips and other traditional marketing materials. Either way, we’ll let you know if this goes anywhere interesting.Branded opens in theaters on September 7th. ARGs & Campaigns Viral Marketing Branded
House iPhone App Has Mini Episodes and More May 20, 2010May 20, 2010This week was the 6th season finale for FOX’s hit show House M.D., but if you are afraid of going through Princeton‑Plainsboro withdrawal, fear not, for the network has a summer solution for you. The recently-launched InHouse app will have “appisodes” that follow Nurse Jeffrey. More details after the jump. Read More
Judgement Day Is Here May 21, 2009April 10, 2010Well, technically Judgement Day was in 2004, according to the Terminator universe, but today is the day Terminator Salvation is released in the United States, so most if not all of the ARG should be wrapping up. Proof of that is the current state of Skynet’s website, shows a big red “…Recalculating…”… Read More
Guillermo Del Toro Wants You To Scare Him In New Contest From Legendary Pictures and YouTube September 3, 2014September 3, 2014Guillermo del Toro could well be the busiest man in Hollywood — it is rare a day goes by where his name is not attached to an upcoming film or television show. Despite his backlog of projects, the filmmaker has announced that he will preside over a rather cool contest… Read More
Type your comment herOk, here’s what I got. I went through this trailer with a fine tooth comb and discovered a pattern. All the qr codes are scannable and begin with the same prefix… after that it is just putting in a number 1-99. example is by far the creepiest one, trust me. And yes, I did go through all 99 plus tried 100 and 101, but those aren’t associated to the movie. There are alot of in-movie posters which a few are hilarious and about four or five clips. A few are the full commercials for the clips in the trailer like the burger one and the baby one. After you get to code 30 and up most are the same as code 11 stating that more will be revealed on July 12 accompanied by a countdown clock. Also, there are a couple of awsome movie posters in there that I wouldn’t mind getting as wallpaper for the comp. My suggestion would be to just check them out for yourself and see what happens on July 12. One more thing, once you put in the url with the number in it, it takes you to the location with a differant url. Just changing the number wont work you have to reenter the whole thing. I copied and pasted the first part and added the number to make it quicker.e.