Official “Looper” Website Leads to New Viral Website Dan Koelsch, July 21, 2012July 21, 2012 Almost two months ago, we got our first viral website for Rian Johnson’s Looper. The time travel action flick stars Joseph Gordon-Levitt and Bruce Willis as the same person from different times. Now the official website is live, and leads us to another viral website. Get the details after the break. In 2072, murder is too difficult to get away with, so the mob sends their targets back in time 30 years to be killed by a hired gun called a “Looper”. When the mob decides they want to “close the loop” on Joe (Gordon-Levitt), they send back his future self (Willis).Sony’s provides a link to the filmmaker’s Tumblr, but the real website is much more interesting. It has a slick design that uses a timeline on the lefthand side to navigate you to various sections, including downloadable material, character bios, and games (which are not yet accessible).If you scroll all the way to the bottom of the page, you see the box where Looper’s put their used blunderbusses, as seen in the film’s trailer.When you click on the “Join Now” button, you are taken to, which is “coming soon”. Hopefully, this turns into an interactive experience where you get to become a Looper and learn more about the network.Looper opens in theaters on September 28th.Source: First Showing ARGs & Campaigns Viral Marketing Looper
“Fringe” Season Finale Offers “Super 8” Easter Egg May 9, 2011Our friends at Super 8 News caught a nice little easter egg in this past Friday’s season finale of Fringe. During one scene, a print ad for Rocket Poppeteers can be seen on a building. Check it out for yourself at the 0:55 mark in the preview after the break. Read More
The Dark Knight May Occupy Wall Street, Not As The One Percent October 18, 2011October 18, 2011As rich as Bruce Wayne is, he really has no place being at Occupy Wall Street. Director Christopher Nolan (The Dark Knight Rises) seems to think differently as the upcoming New York shoot may include the protests in Zuccotti Park. For more information on this, click the jump. Read More
Super 8 Countdown Ends: New Images and Website May 13, 2010June 12, 2010The countdown on ended tonight, and we got the next chapter in Super 8 viral. Once all 134640 bytes downloaded, we got more access to the PDP-11 computer console, which led to some interesting images, which themselves led us to a new viral website. Find out all the details… Read More