Disneyland’s ElecTRONica Starts Tonight, Video and Pictures Available Dan Koelsch, October 8, 2010January 20, 2012 Last month we told you how Disney was looking to promote and capitalize on the buzz for Tron Legacy by creating “ElecTRONica” in Disneyland’s California Adventure. Essentially turning the Hollywood backlot into a Tron party, the event started to tonight and we have more details, including video and photos, after the break. Below is the rundown of the schedule and a video showing some of the things to do and see, which includes a 9 minute 3D preview of Tron Legacy itself (I’m not sure what footage is being shown).The fun starts in Sunshine Plaza at 6 p.m. when music, video, projections and a dance party welcome guests (a.k.a. Programs) and prepare them to enter the world of “TRON: Legacy.”The second performance in Sunshine Plaza starts at 6:45 p.m., and following that, the portal will officially open and all aspects of ElecTRONica will be available, including Flynn’s Arcade, TRON: Legacy Exclusive 3-D Sneak Peek, End of Line club, face painting and the TRON: Evolution video game area.There’s a great line-up of DJs this weekend. DJ GiangStar will be spinning tonight; DJ Michael Paul will change things up Saturday night, and DJ Derek Dunbar will be heating things up on Sunday evening.This weekend you can see Laserman at 7:30 p.m., 8:30 p.m. and 9:30 p.m. on Friday, Saturday and Sunday. For future dates, check the show guide for the schedule. Check out the Disney Parks Blog for even more on ElecTRONica. Viral Marketing DisneyDisneylandElecTRONicaTronTron Legacy
ARGs & Campaigns Norton And Google Chrome Reveal Alternative “X-Men: Days Of Future Past” Timeline May 2, 2014May 2, 2014While the excitement for X-Men: Days of Future Past builds as the release date draws nearer, Norton and Google Chrome have rolled out a cool interactive viral campaign for the movie. If you hop onto the X-Tension (Only viewable on Google Chrome–that’s the catch) you’re able to view an alternate… Read More
Tron Legacy: Encom Badges Arrive, New Site For Employees March 17, 2010December 3, 2010We reported a week ago that a new site viral site for Tron Legacy, ArcadeAid.com, allowed you to create an Encom International badge upon completion of a pretty fun-but-tough game. Today, participants have been receiving their badges and it’s lead us to a new website for Encom employees only. More… Read More
“The Grand Budapest Hotel” Viral Marketing Campaign Launches Zubrowka Film Commission Website February 5, 2014February 5, 2014Last week, we posted an article about the newly launched viral marketing campaign for Wes Anderson‘s The Grand Budapest Hotel. AkademieZubrowka website offered an exclusive look at where the film is set and some of the props that are going to be used in the film. Now a new site,… Read More