Comic-Con 2012 Swag Contest! Dan Koelsch, August 15, 2012 It’s that time of year where I try to give away all the swag I collected at Comic-Con. Hit the jump to find out what we have to offer this year, and how you can win. This year was a great year for San Diego Comic-Con, but less and less free swag is being given away. Fortunately, I got a few gems with the help of our friend Josh, so below I have listed two prize packs and provided some pictures. All you have to do to enter is leave a comment letting us know which movie you hope has a presence at NEXT year’s Comic-Con and what you hope/think they will do to make a splash. I’ll pick two best answers and contact the winners at the same time. The first person to get back to me gets to pick which prize pack they want (and no switching items!). The contest is for US residents only, and ends at 11:59PM PDT on Monday, August 20th. Please make sure you login with an email for us to contact you when you leave your comment.Prize Pack A– Large Wilfred/Archer Tote Bag – Comic-Con 2012 Souvenir Book (Avengers on Cover) – Small Oz: The Great and Powerful Poster – Branded Yellow T-shirt (Large) – Large Warner Bros. Fringe Tote Bag – Ultimate Spider-Man comic book – Avengers comic book – TV Guide Comic-Con Special – Vinylmation paper hat – “I Heart Videogames” pin – The New Normal wristband – Jimmy Fallon’s “Thank You Notes 2” book – Revolution water bottle – Small Revolution posterPrize Pack B– Large Wilfred/Archer Tote Bag – Comic-Con 2012 Souvenir Book (Avengers on Cover) – Small Oz: The Great and Powerful Poster – Honey Badger Red T-shirt (XL) – NBC Grimm/Revolution Tote Bag – Spider-Man comic book – Hero Complex Comic-Con Edition – Comic-Con Events Guide – Item 47 wristband – Bates Motel soap – Alienware drawstring bag – Stuffed Greendale Human Being (Community) – Revolution pin – Small Grimm poster Contests Comic-ConContests
Dance Like Oz in “American Reunion” Contest July 8, 2012July 8, 2012American Reunion comes out on Blu-ray and DVD this Tuesday, and to promote the release, Universal Home Entertainment is hosting a contest on the video social networking site Tout. Find out how to enter and what you can win, after the break. Read More
MovieViral Social Network Contest: Win an Iron Man 2 Comic-Con Poster! August 24, 2009June 6, 2010Thanks to our reporters Kelsey and Rose, we have some Iron Man 2 posters from Comic-Con that we will be giving away here on the MovieViral Forum, on Twitter, and on Facebook. Make sure you sign up and/or follow us on each of those sources to maximize your chances of… Read More
Doritos Offers Contest Winner a Chance to Work with Michael Bay October 2, 2012October 2, 2012Transformers director Michael Bay is giving hopeful filmmakers a chance to work with him on “Transformers 4” by going commercial — literally. Read More
Since Ironman 3, Star Trek 2, and Man of Steel will have been released by then, I hope The Wolverine has a big presence at Comic Con 2013. I hope they surprise those lucky enough to get into the panel with a complete viewing of the movie a week before its release.
I hope that the Avengers 2 comes with the whole cast coming in full costume and having a “battle” in the middle of everything
I hope Avatar 2, I belive they may do a viral for it and do a scavenger hunt looking for Natives or have twins one is in a Native costume the other in a regular Earth in 2154 outfit, or another idea is a big gathering to ” The Home ” a big nearby tree.
I’m hoping they do something for Ender’s Game and they could make a replica of their training school that people at comicon could walk through and one of the rooms could be zero gravity where people could float around in
Sin City: A Dame to Kill For. I thoroughly enjoyed the first adaptation, and I can’t wait for the second installment. Lest we forget Comic-Con was created for comics, another ode to such a great graphic novel is imminent. My hopes: possibly an amazing noir car from the movie on display, a twisted panel, and of course loads of red and black swag.
Kick-Ass 2 ftw. I hope they run viral sites where one can either join Kick-Ass’s team or the Mother F*cker’s. It’d be nice if Aaron Johnson, Chloe Moretz, and Christopher Mintz-Plasse record videos as their characters urging the public to fight on their behalf.
kick ass 2 or any of the up coming comic related movies would be great, just to be there would be cool. id probably spend half the time at the NerdHq panels. Love seeing those on line.
Definitely Iron Man 3.. with the recent news that Robert Downey Jr just injured himself on the set is proof this movie is going to be amazing! I think Iron Man 3 willl be THE movie to preview at Comic Con next year in San Diego.
Iron Man 3. Loved RDJ’s arrival as he danced and high-fived through the crowd. The man IS Tony Stark, especially when he asked how much everyone loved him and why aren’t they watching the footage yet. Seeing Kingsley as Mandarin for the first time was surprising too, so I’m looking forward to how he’ll pull it off.
I think LEGO: The Piece of Resistance could have a good showing. The plot description so far sounds original and interesting, especially coming from the people who did Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs and 21 Jump Street. Also, LEGO giveaways and displays in the booth would be cool. I’m also very interested in seeing something from Darren Aronofsky’s Noah, and Comic-Con would be a good opportunity to make a splash.
Guardians of the Galaxy. It’d be cool if MARVEL Reps hand out cards to join Peter Quill (Star-Lord) on his NASA mission. People would get a chance to become familiar with one of the main characters since they aren’t exactly well-known among the general audience.