WB Launches The Treasures of Middle Earth Art Contest Michael Lee, September 5, 2012December 27, 2012 If you are looking to be a part of designing the world of Peter Jackson’s The Hobbit and are not a part of Jackson’s WETA team, WB is giving you that chance. Well not to be a part of WETA’s team, but who knows what may come out of this if you win Treasures of Middle Earth Contest being run by WB. Hit the jump for more info and a small video explaining the contest.The Treasures of Middle Earth offers you the chance of a life time. By rating older content and submitting your own at thehobbitdesigncontest.com, you will immediately be a part of a drawing where four grand prize winners will be able to take home highly sought out collectables and memorabilia from the film. If you do get the one ring to rule them all, please send it to me. Joking aside, submissions will be all be carefully looked at and chosen by the very people who are part of designing The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey: John Howe, Alan Lee, and Richard Taylor.Now here’s a video explaining everything. Check it out.This contest sounds like a lot of fun and could be just the thing to get aspiring artists and hardcore fans of Lord of the Rings to create some really awesome pieces. So, do you have what it takes to win? Viral Marketing The HobbitThe Hobbit: An Unexpected JourneyTreasures of Middle Earth
Paranormal Activity 2 Site Updated With Secrets In Trailer September 14, 2010The first Paranormal Activity had a strong viral campaign that pretty much made the film’s success, so it’s no surprise there will be creepy things to find in the marketing for its sequel. It may have taken a few days, but here’s every secret in the new trailer so far. Read More
“I’m A Celebrity Get Me Out Of Here Experience” Is the Most Extreme Teambuilding Event Ever November 22, 2012November 22, 2012Are you an office manager looking for ways to bring your employees together? Are you having trouble finding a good teambuilding event that will get their competitive juices flowing? Maybe you should try eating bugs. That’s what one event agency is offering in the UK. Called the “I’m A Celebrity… Read More
“Apollo 18” Viral Site Gives Us Two More Documents September 2, 2011We thought it was over, but on the found footage thriller’s opening day, we have two more documents from the secret Apollo 18 mission thanks to Cerberus Station 9. Get the details after the break. Read More
Hit the jump for more info and a small video explaining the contest. http://www.verticalblinds4you.com/
The Rings to create some really awesome pieces. So, do you have what it takes to win. http://www.ritterandramsey.com/