Watch Episode 5 of Social Film “The Beauty Inside” Dan Koelsch, September 13, 2012 Toshiba and Intel’s social film The Beauty Inside debuted its fifth episode of six today. Learn more about the project and how you can get involved by checking out their Facebook page, and watch the episode after the jump. Alex (internally voiced by Topher Grace) is a 20 something male who refurbishes antiques. His life is lonely not only because of his offbeat profession, but because everyday he wakes up in an entirely new body. So far, it’s worked out well for him, but all that changes when he meets Emily (played by Mary Elizabeth Winstead). Alex finally gets a body worthy of a date with Emily, but since then, it’s been more complicated. Now he has to make a tough decision. Watch the episode below. Viral Marketing Viral Videos IntelSocial FilmThe Beauty InsideToshibaweb series
Super 8: STIES Site Has Updated Printout October 15, 2010Briefly: The printout available on has been updated to include the line “Meet me at 4D and 5O’s last leg. Bring the foghorn and the unexpected title.” Check out Unfiction on speculation as to what this could mean for the Super 8 ARG, though we have yet to figure… Read More
This Week In Viral – Finally, D-9 is Back! March 8, 2009July 18, 2010As mentioned in last week’s TWIV, the viral for District 9 seems to be back out of nowhere. There are viral web ads on sites like and even Facebook (thanks to David and Sajin for the tips). Also, the main viral site, has a new intro video and… Read More
ARGs & Campaigns Let Me In Wraps Up Viral Campaign With Behind the Scenes Footage and a Blast From The Past September 11, 2010September 11, 2010We have one more viral reveal for Overture’s Let Me In, and fortunately it’s not as difficult to get to. If you type in one of the posters’ taglines, “Innocence Dies, Abby Doesn’t”, as a URL, you get a behind-the-scenes clip hosted on the site’s Facebook app. MovieViral has also… Read More