Looper Network Game Ends With Mission 5, Maxx Labs Goes Live Dan Koelsch, September 18, 2012 Looper is a sci-fi action film written and directed by Rian Johnson. In 2077, murder is too difficult to get away with, so the mob sends back targets to 2047 to be wacked by hitmen called “Loopers”. Joseph Gordon-Levitt stars as Joseph Simmons, a top Looper who ends up being faced with closing his loop when his future self (Bruce Willis) is his next target. The film’s viral campaign has you become part of the Looper Network, but your target keeps escaping. Check out the details of your final mission after the break. The website for Maxx Labs has been around for a while, but it finally goes live to help you find the code for Mission 5. In the world of Looper, telekinesis is a mutation that over 15% of the population has. Maxx Labs studies the TK mutation, and their website has images of reported cases. The mission clue involves a clock, so find the clock face in the images to get the four digit code. Once entered, you chase your target to the farmhouse, where you finally close your loop (kill your future self).Unfortunately, that’s it. This looks to be the end of the Looper viral campaign, and it ends rather unremarkably. It had a lot of potential, but the overall experience was rather underwhelming to me. Let us know what you thought in the comments below.On the off chance that there is more to this campaign, we’ll be sure to bring it to you. Check out Looper when it opens in theaters on September 28th. ARGs & Campaigns Viral Marketing LooperLooper Network
Is 2010 The Year of Augmented Reality? January 4, 2010July 18, 2010So that’s it. A new decade has passed, and so far I’ve not got that flying car yet (can’t afford it) and my fridge isn’t ordering my food online yet (can’t afford it, the fridge that is, not the food), but technology is definitely catching up with the predictions. Now… Read More
12 Days of Viral – DAY NINE December 21, 2009December 20, 2009On the ninth day of viral, my movie gave to me….. Cell phones for calling Back on day five, I talked about 800 numbers that you could call and get some information. This one goes about twenty steps further and actually gives you a phone. Some can be simple, others… Read More
Sony Stores Offering Free “Skyfall” Tickets When You Demo Their $25,000 TV November 5, 2012November 5, 2012The next James Bond picture, Skyfall, hits theaters this Friday. It’s already breaking box-office records in the U.K. and word is that this is the best Bond film ever. Well how would you like to see Skyfall for free? Several Sony Stores across the US are offering customers tickets to… Read More
Basically, zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz. I hope they payed more attention to the film than they did the viral. Most marketing folk still haven’t grasped that viral doesn’t work like the advertising they do on a regular basis. A phrase like “lowest common denominator” was probably used during its development. Attempts at viral marketing must be cool, first and foremost and cool second and talk about the product a distant third – maybe. Nobody passes along a commercial because of how informative.The killing blow was having the director talk about the behind the scenes then end by saying “if you’re looking for the hidden code, its 1234”. ARG elements should be embedded of the storyline, otherwise its just a branded game. It’s breaking the fourth wall. And not in a good way