“Pitch Perfect” Review: Predictable But Also Irresistible Musical Fun Michael Lee, September 27, 2012October 29, 2012 A lot can be said about a film subtlety telling you to stay until the end of what you are watching, because the end is the best part. It can also be misinterpreted as a sign of desperation so that you don’t go back to customer relations and ask for your money back. But you would be hard pressed for find any excuse to ask for your money back when you see Pitch Perfect.As strange as it sounds, this film is almost perfect. Yes there are Top 40 hits, roles that perpetuate stereotypes, and a redundant storyline, however, it all works. The dark humor, the energy, and the sheer fun everyone looks like they are having, makes Pitch Perfect so much fun.Tell me if you’ve heard this one before, an antisocial college freshman refuses to accept a new member the family and is forced into a situation where father makes her choose between her dream and what he thinks is best for her. The two come at a impasse but agree upon the notion that if she cannot find a positive outlet, she may pursue her dream. When she signs on for something she doesn’t agree with, she find out that it is her true calling.Yes that is basically the premise Pitch Perfect, and despite the film narrative flaws, the cast’s performances are a lot of fun to watch. Anna Kendrick plays as Becca, the antisocial student who wants to become a DJ, and uses the all girl collegiate accapella group as an excuse to please her father’s wishes to stay in school and make friends. Kendrick’s sarcasm and sharp wit meshes very well with the film. That is complemented with Rebel Wilson’s fantastic performance as Fat Amy, yes she acknowledges herself to be as fat to the other characters so that they don’t call her that behind her back.Wilson continues to be the rising female comedian to watch out for. Much like Melissa McCathry’s career, Wilson brings her own brand of comedy that makes the film sparkle. Fat Amy is very blunt, not as blunt as Becca, but she speaks the truth. She can’t help but acknowledge that she is fat and goes as far as by calling her self Fat Amy and doing what she likes to call vertical jogging. Wilson continually catches audiences off guard and its that kind of unpredictability that makes Pitch Perfect such a blast to watch.Some of the other performances suffer because they continue to use stereotypes for a couple of their characters. Skylar Astin plays a sweet charming guy tries to strike up a romantic spark between himself and Becca; Adam DeVine plays as the male lead Accappella member who is an ignorant, self centered grade a jerk; and Anna Camp is the the female senior sticklar who refuses to sing anything but the songs on an outdated playlist. But as the film progresses, those stereotypes are long forgotten, as these characters reveal some things you probably never would see coming.The fact that the film used dated top 40 songs is unavoidable, but screenwriter Kay Cannon makes sure that the film is about the comedy and the spirit of collegiate accapella, not the actual songs themselves. But the movie becomes so progressively irresistible that you find yourself tapping your foot to each and every beat.Despite the flaws and the predictable traits the film may have, Pitch Perfect has a lot of energy and uses Cannon’s script to blend music and comedy to hit the high notes and leave you wanting more. News Reviews Anna KendrickKay CannonPitch PerfectRebel WilsonUniversal Pictures
The Buzz: Ghandi in Iron Man 3, Sin City Sequel, and Avengers Filming After Premiere April 13, 2012It’s been a year since our feature The Buzz was last updated, but now we are back and for good this time. The Buzz is a feature in which we round up the Top 3 most-buzzed-about movie/TV stories of the week (in chronological order). Why go through pages of blogs… Read More
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Viral Video Round Up: Fright Night, The Muppets, Anne Hathaway, Glee, Ruben Fleischer, And More! August 21, 2011October 18, 2011The Internet is full of videos related to movies, whether they be fan made, studio made, or somewhere in between. We regularly bring you the best, most interesting, or just plain weirdest, and today we do it again. Check out the latest viral videos after the break.Pages: 1 2 Read More