Propaganda Posters & Prequel Comic For Guillermo Del Toro’s “Pacific Rim” Michael Lee, October 12, 2012 Viral activity is not limited to the web; it can go as far as physical face-to-face interactions. While there aren’t any particular viral campaigns for Pacific Rim that we know of, the poster for the New York Comic-Con could provide the inspiration needed to push one through. There will also be a comic book prequel tie-in to provide much needed info to tell readers and potential audiences how the film got to where it is. Check it all out below.The comic book will be broken into three separate parts “covering the in-world history from the first attack up to just before the movie.” Apparently this war between these large monsters and human operated robots have been going on so a long time, which probably means that readers won’t be seeing certain characters. According to Cinemablend no release date has been set.But that’s not the only Pacific Rim news bit to report on. In attempts to muster up some interest for the film, a propaganda-style poster for the film has been released. The poster appeared on the film’s official Facebook page.WB will release Guillermo Del Toro’s Pacific Rim in theaters on July 12th. Viral Marketing Guillermo Del ToroNew York Comic-ConPacific Rim
Viral Video of the Week: The Dark Knight Is Confused December 13, 2009December 13, 2009We’re going to start a new feature on MovieViral where we post the best TV or movie-related viral video of the week. Let us know what you think of the video in the comments below, and give us ideas for next week’s VVOTW. We’ll give you credit and post honorary… Read More
Marvel Offers Free First Issue of “Avengers” Prelude Comic February 8, 2012February 8, 2012Marvel Comics is aiming to bridge the gap between Captain America: The First Avenger and The Avengers with a tie-in mini-series. On Sunday, they released the first issue of Marvel’s The Avengers Prelude: Fury’s Big Week. After the break, find out more about this series as well as get a… Read More
New ‘Limitless’ PSA March 3, 2011This week a new 20 second spot has shown up online for Limitless, the film about a miracle drug that changes Bradley Cooper’s character into the perfect version of himself, but at a high cost. The ad mimics the 1980s “This is Your Brain On Drugs” commercials, and falls in… Read More