Hitchcock PSA Warns Against Using Cell Phones in Theaters Dan Koelsch, October 15, 2012October 15, 2012 Anthony Hopkins plays the legendary director Alfred Hitchcock in the biopic Hitchcock, which has a limited theatrical release on November 23rd. Hopkins takes on the character again in a theater PSA that warns that nothing is scarier than using your cell phone during a movie. Check out the PSA (ironically filmed on a cell phone) after the break.Source: First Showing Viral Marketing Viral Videos Alfred HitchcockHitchcockPSAViral video
Failed Times Square Car Bomb Linked to South Park? May 3, 2010May 3, 2010By now you have probably heard about the car bomb found in New York City’s Time Square that failed to detonate correctly due to faulty wiring. While the perpetrators of the terrorist attempt are unknown, there is a surprising connection to South Park. Find out the details after the break. Read More
Stallone’s Explosive Expendables Interview on YouTube August 4, 2010May 12, 2011If you’ve been on YouTube since yesterday, you may have noticed the banner advertisement on the homepage for The Expendables. Specifically, it directs you to an “explosive” interview with director, writer, and star Sylvester Stallone that is on YouTube. However, what you see isn’t exactly what you get. Read More
“The Sitter” Has Been Getting Some Hilarious Voicemail! September 15, 2011Earlier this week, we reported the start of a viral campaign for 20th Century Fox’s upcoming release The Sitter, starring Jonah Hill in the title role. Allied-THA distributed flyers with Jonah’s picture and a phone number to call with the message “Need a sitter?” Since the initial report, thousands of… Read More