Hitchcock PSA Warns Against Using Cell Phones in Theaters Dan Koelsch, October 15, 2012October 15, 2012 Anthony Hopkins plays the legendary director Alfred Hitchcock in the biopic Hitchcock, which has a limited theatrical release on November 23rd. Hopkins takes on the character again in a theater PSA that warns that nothing is scarier than using your cell phone during a movie. Check out the PSA (ironically filmed on a cell phone) after the break.Source: First Showing Viral Marketing Viral Videos Alfred HitchcockHitchcockPSAViral video
Viral Campaign for Disney’s “Tron” Sequel July 21, 2009August 17, 2010A couple film blogs were sent these packages from a San Diego company known as ‘PMB’. Inside were these tokens: That is, indeed, the same Flynn known as the ‘Home of Tron’ from the first movie. Also in the packages were thumb drives with these images, labeled as ‘4.gif’: That… Read More
Three New “Hunger Games” Viral Motion Posters February 11, 2012February 11, 2012We are a little under two months away from the release of the highly anticipated adaptation of The Hunger Games. We’ve been extensively covering the viral for this from top to bottom, making sure nothing was missed, and now we’ve got some very new updates to The Hunger Games Viral…. Read More
Viral Videos: Reading Rainbow Banned Book Reviews February 28, 2010February 28, 2010Although I was never a big fan of PBS’s Reading Rainbow as a kid, I always wondered what would happen if the kids on the show reviewed more … mature literature. Now we know, thanks to a series of videos from the comedy writing/directing duo Warm Apple Cherries. Check out… Read More