NBC Acknowledges “Community” Scheduling Issue With Viral Video Dan Koelsch, October 19, 2012October 19, 2012 NBC’s Community was originally scheduled to air its Season 4 Premiere episode tonight. However, earlier this month NBC indefinitely postponed the premiere of the sitcom about a community college study group. For fans like myself who have feared the show’s cancellation for a few seasons now, the news is grim. However, our favorite study group is here to cheer us up in a video released by NBC. Check it out after the break.I’m glad that NBC was cool enough to do this (and it’s hilarious), but I think fans would rather have the comfort of a premiere date. What do you think? Viral Marketing Viral Videos CommunityNBCViral video
Mars Goes Social Leading Up To Rover Landing August 4, 2012August 4, 2012NASA’s Mars Science Laboratory mission will hit a key moment tomorrow night at 10:30 PM PDT, when the Curiosity rover (which is the size of a MINI Cooper) lands on the planet’s surface. The last two rovers to hit Mars, in 2004, got national attention when they lasted way past… Read More
The Inside Experience: The Story So Far, As Told By Christina Herself August 1, 2011It’s been a week since Christina was kidnapped, and in order to stay sane, she has recounted the story so far on her Facebook page. Of course, this also serves as a “Previously On…” update for new fans of The Inside Experience or anyone who just wants to catch up…. Read More
Could Captain America be in Iron Man 2 Viral? August 2, 2009August 2, 2009After a busy Friday, it’s been a slow weekend, so thanks to former contributor Corey, I thought I’d bring up this interesting speculation for the Iron Man 2 viral campaign. With Iron Man 2 going viral via Stark Industries, could we be seeing some Captain America info even before the… Read More