“Pacific Rim” Viral Campaign Launches New Emergency Alert Warning System Michael Lee, November 28, 2012November 28, 2012 It’s been a while since we’ve covered anything on Guillermo Del Toro’s upcoming intense sci-fi actioner Pacific Rim. When we last posted on the film, we learned that along with the recruiting posters that were handed out during Comic-Con, there was also a comic-book tie in that would focus on one of the characters before the events of the film took place. Now comes a new viral campaign, which is counting down towards some mysterious yet very cool thing. Hit the jump for more. This new campaign centers on the new warning system created by Pan Pacific Defense Corps, the force that uses large mechanical robots called Jaegers that keeps humanity safe from the threat of monstrous creatures called Kaiju. Now the site doesn’t have much right now. But the countdown has us wondering what will happen in two weeks. There is also a glowing dot located over San Francisco; there you can find a video for the regular test that will warn residents if there is an impending attack. Hopefully these dots will expand to other cities, as the countdown gets closer to reaching zero.The viral campaign has also reached over the Atlantic, where Total Film has come across a leaked memo where a British High Commanding Officer is reaching out to the Japanese force to nominate their fighters for “immediate assignment to the PPDC Jaeger Initative.” The memo has a list of names, but one of them appears to be blacked out.So that’s it, while it may be a small start, it still gives us something to look forward to. Whose name has been blacked out on that memo? What exactly is the countdown on the Pan Pacific Defense Corp counting down to? We’ll have to see where this viral campaign goes from here.[Firstshowing | TotalFilm] News Viral Marketing Viral News Guillermo Del ToroPacific RimPan Pacific Defense Corps.
The Tron Sequel Soundtrack That Never Was March 29, 2010March 29, 2010Did you know Tron Legacy is not Disney’s first attempt at a Tron sequel? Given the cult following of the original and the advancements in computer generated effects, there was some speculation in 1999 that Disney was working on a sequel with Pixar. Now someone has claimed they were hired… Read More
Super 8: STIES Site Has Updated Printout October 15, 2010Briefly: The printout available on ScariestThingIEverSaw.com has been updated to include the line “Meet me at 4D and 5O’s last leg. Bring the foghorn and the unexpected title.” Check out Unfiction on speculation as to what this could mean for the Super 8 ARG, though we have yet to figure… Read More
“Wolf Of Wall Street’, “Godzilla”, “Frozen” And More Earn Golden Trailer Award Nominations May 6, 2014May 6, 2014We here at MovieViral love our movie trailers. We’ve covered trailers big and small, blockbusters and indies, and of course, the ones that go viral. And just as TV has the Emmys, music has the Grammys, and Movies have the Oscars, trailers have the Golden trailer awards. Some of our… Read More