“After Earth” Website Goes Live And Possibly Hints At ARG Dan Koelsch, December 20, 2012 After Earth is a sci-fi action film directed by M. Night Shyamalan about a father and son who get stranded on a post-apocalyptic Earth when their ship crashes. The film’s official website has gone live with a lot of great details and photos about the movie and its universe. There’s even a hint at a possible ARG in the future. Details after the break. The website has a scrolling feature similar to the website of another Sony film, Looper. As we scroll down the page, we first are introduced to Jaden Smith’s character Katai Raige. After seeing some of his basic stats, we next get to see him use a “cutlass”, which the website describes and shows as being a long blade with a handle in the middle. Next, we get a history of the United Ranger Corps, which are the elite military force for the displaced humans. We also learn a bit about Ranger cadets and Katai’s father, Cypher Raige (Will Smith), who is the Commander General of the Rangers.Project Next GenerationThe next section down talks about humanity’s alien enemies, including the Skrel and the Ursa, as well as an interesting technique called “ghosting”. We then learn about Nova Prime, mankind’s new home planet, and its unique three-part government. The last section on the bottom explains how and why mankind had to leave Earth.On the side of the page, one of the buttons you’ll see is for “Project Next Generation”. This is the mission explained in that last section about “arks” that are leaving Earth before it becomes inhabitable. There are only 750,000 spots total on these 6 ships, just enough to restart the human race. Unfortunately, the link provided on this section of the website just takes you to the film’s Facebook page. I’m not sure if this will turn into an ARG, but the building blocks are there with the Application concept. We’ll just have to wait and see. For now, their Facebook is a good way to get some more in-world details about the film.After Earth opens in theaters on June 7th. Viral Marketing After Earth
The Room – A Fan Made Viral Campaign February 16, 2010February 16, 2010On June 23rd 2003, Tommy Wiseau premiered The Room to an unsuspecting LA audience, which included notable critic Scott Foundas, and the reaction was not good. The film was clearly supposed to be a drama, with the tagline “A film with the passion of Tennessee Williams.” but, according to Foundas,… Read More
Check Out This Modernized Tron Trailer March 30, 2010March 30, 2010If you’ve ever watched a trailer from say 1990 or before, you know how horribly boring and wordy they are. Fortunately, with the much-anticipated Tron Legacy coming out this year, YouTuber Chris Drew has created a modern trailer for the original 1982 hit. It’s really well done, full of action… Read More
Kick-Ass: New Hit Girl Trailer and Real Life Superheroes December 22, 2009December 22, 2009I’ll admit that I am one of the few people in my field who is not that excited about Matthew Vaughn’s Kick-Ass. I’ve never read the comic, and the trailers and posters so far have not made me any more a believer. That was until I saw this puppy embedded… Read More