Sony’s “Elysium” Switches Around Some Websites for Viral Campaign Dan Koelsch, April 10, 2013April 25, 2013 With 5 months to go until the film’s theatrical release, it looks like Sony is finally going to do something with this puttering viral campaign for Elysium. While there aren’t technically any new websites to report on, there have been some changes worth noting. Get the details after the break. At the beginning of the month, we told you about some updates to the Elysium online presence, including a new viral website and an updated homepage for the film. The URL for the homepage is, which used to be the URL for the Elysium Citizenship Initiative. We thought that concept was removed, but thanks to First Showing, we know it has actually just relocated to While the one letter difference is sure to cause confusion, at least we know that Sony still has plans to move forward with this marketing strategy.We’ll keep an eye out to see where this is going. Follow our coverage here, and check out the new homepage if you’re itching for more content. It has one of those cool scrolling layouts like Looper, and you can see photos and character bios.Elysium opens in theaters on August 9th. ARGs & Campaigns Viral Marketing Elysium
News EXCLUSIVE: Nathan Fillion In Talks For Star Wars Episode 7 April 1, 2014April 2, 2014 After some major sleuthing online and contact with an agent, MovieViral has an unofficial confirmation that Captain Mal himself may be in the process of signing on to the new Star Wars trilogy. Find out more info after the jump. Read More
“Fifty Shades Of Grey” Unveils Viral Marketing Campaign And Teaser Poster January 24, 2014January 24, 2014While the Sam Taylor-Johnson directed adaptation of E.L James’ Fifty Shades Of Grey isn’t due to be released into theaters until Valentine’s Day 2015, Universal is already launching the viral marketing campaign for the film. The studio has also released the first poster from the film, in what the marketing… Read More
Check Out Disneyland’s “Tron Legacy”-Themed World of Color October 31, 2010Disney is pulling out all the stops with Tron Legacy. Not only has California Adventure’s Hollywood Backlot has been transformed into a Tron party called “ElecTRONica“, but now the World of Color has been changed as well. Watch a video of the new water show after the break. Read More