Paramount and Qualcomm Announce “Star Trek Into Darkness” Super Bowl App Caleb Hamilton, January 8, 2013January 8, 2013 The Super Bowl is right around the corner and the major studios are gearing up to present glimpses at some of their upcoming films. On Monday, Paramount Pictures and Qualcomm Labs, Inc. announced a new mobile application that will be used during the big game to unlock exclusive content from Star Trek Into Darkness using some never before-seen technologies. More details after jump.Announced during Qualcomm’s CES keynote, the Star Trek Into Darkness app will allow fans to engage with movie related content in the real-world and complete missions using many different methods that run on Qualcomm’s Gimbal context awareness technology. Fans will use audio scanning and get rewarded for watching ‘Into Darkness’ content on TV and other media. Geo-location recognition will be used in location-based experiences and image recognition with Qualcomm’s Vuforia will be used to engaged with movie related content and images printed and viewable in the real world. The app will also deliver new content from the film such as videos, photos and wallpapers directly to the user’s phone.During the second quarter of the game, the app will let users unlock content during the Star Trek Into Darkness TV spot. Fans who register the app early will be entered into a contest to win a trip to a U.S. premiere of the film. You can sign up to get the app early and enter the contest at The app will be available to everyone at the end of this month.“We are excited about collaborating with Paramount on this app as it further brings to life Qualcomm’s vision of the digital sixth sense, where devices intelligently interact with the world around you,” said Dr. Jacobs. “By leveraging the Gimbal platform, this app harnesses the power of the smartphone to bridge the digital and physical world, allowing the studio to market the film in the real world and simultaneously bring users into the film’s story and world.”There is no information yet on whether this will tie into the AreYouthe1701? website revealed early last month. Be sure to check back for any updates!Star Trek Into Darkness on May 17th in 3D and IMAX 3D! Apps Contests Social Networks Viral Marketing AppsContestsParamount PicturesStar Trek Into Darkness
Iron Man Prop Auction: Own Tony Stark’s Stuff February 26, 2010If you’re an Iron Man fan and have a wealth of petty cash at your disposal, yesterday’s news probably got you a little giddy. The Chicago Comic and Entertainment Expo announced that they will be hosting Marvel and Propwerx’s massive Iron Man prop auction. Hit the jump for more information… Read More
Follow In The Footsteps of Ferris Bueller June 3, 2010Ferris Bueller’s Day Off, the 1986 teen comedy directed by the late John Hughes, is one of the classic films of the ’80s. The film chronicles the mischevious Bueller (Matthew Broderick) as he skips school (along with his girlfriend and best friend)and spends the day in downtown Chicago. Now you… Read More
New “Prometheus” Viral Video Give Us A Look At Janek Prepping For Duty September 9, 2012September 9, 2012Prometheus had a very strange, but effective viral campaign leading up to its release. However, the marketing didn’t stop. If you sat through the credits, viewers spotted a message which lead to a new page on the Weyland Industries website. The film is scheduled to be released on home media… Read More