Petition To Renew “TRON: Uprising” Gains Steam While Fate of Show Is Uncertain Dan Koelsch, January 13, 2013January 16, 2013 This week, reports spread that Disney Channel’s animated TRON: Uprising show was being cancelled after one season. While the show’s future is actually not set in stone according to producer Edward Kitsis, a petition was created on to renew the show (along with Motorcity). At the time this article was written, the 1,500 signature threshold was close to being met after only a few days. The series falls inbetween the first and second TRON movies, and has gotten rave reviews despite poor ratings (which have been attributed by some to radical scheduling changes). If you’re looking to save the show, sign the petition and see what you can do to help. Viral News Petitiontron uprising
“Captain America: The First Avenger” Meets Team America Part II March 25, 2011March 26, 2011Super Bowl XLV gave us our first look at Captain America: The First Avenger, but the T.V. spot was a bit too fast and movie goers who are awaiting the film’s release felt that it wasn’t given the justice it deserved. Youtube user CelticPredator created a parody of that T.V…. Read More
Pixar Announces Easter Egg Hunt On Disney Movies Anywhere Streaming Site April 16, 2014Pixar has a habit of hiding nifty little Easter Eggs in each of their films. Whether its nods to the classroom A113 or the Luxo Ball, or a tease of what’s to come, you’re more then likely to find some sort of Pixar related reference in each of these films…. Read More
“Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles” TV Spot Teases Master Splinter In Action April 14, 2014Award shows, especially ones like the MTV Movie Awards, are a great place to promote blockbuster tentpoles. The first TV spot for Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles aired during the awards show last night, and while a majority of it was the teaser trailer condensed into a 30 spot, it does… Read More