Controversial Documentary “The Upper Footage” Gets Limited Release, Win Tickets! Dan Koelsch, January 29, 2013 The Upper Footage is a documentary opening on January 31st in a limited New York City theater run (buy tickets here). As stated by their IndieGogo page, the film is an edited version of 393 minutes of footage recovered from the night of December 28th, 2009 in which a group of young socialites were involved in the death and cover-up of a young woman. While the filmmakers claim this to be real (the woman’s face and true identity are withheld in the film), there has been a lot of speculation over the years. Get the details after the break, including how you can win a pair of tickets. Supposedly, this woman “Jackie Spearo” went missing after a party that included drugs, overdosing, and high profile attendees. Crushable has a great breakdown of the documentary’s intriguing and complicated history, but the video below gives you the highlights.The Upper Footage website provides an interactive timeline of events to also help you piece together the supposed extortion plot, Hollywood interest (including Quentin Tarantino), the questions of the footage’s validity, and more. The whole marketing campaign has been built around the “real or not real” question, but they have also recently gone low tech viral by posting these flyers around NYC.So, how can you win a pair of tickets? The first person to Tweet us (@MovieViral) with #upperfootage wins. It’s that simple! You’ll get 2 tickets to the NYC screening of your choice (1/31-2/9).Follow The Upper Footage on Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, and Tumblr.Thanks to Jake Williams via Email for the tip on the movie. ARGs & Campaigns Contests Viral Marketing ContestsThe Upper Footage
Watch: Zeb Fights Stormtroopers In ‘Star Wars Rebels’ Short “Entanglement” August 25, 2014August 25, 2014Disney had released its third Star Wars Rebels short in anticipation for its hour long premiere on October 3rd. Previous shorts have focused on the various members of the rebel force, one centering on an R2 unit, the other on Sabine, the Mandalorian Human. The third one now focuses on… Read More
Receive a Call From the Takers August 20, 2010Briefly: Sony Pictures has tried a few viral marketing attempts to gain interest in the upcoming heist film Takers, starring Chris Brown, rapper T.I., and an ensemble cast. Their latest gimmick is to let you get a call from one of the “Takers” on opening day, August 27th. Sign up… Read More
“The Hunger Games” Viral: Campaign for Mayor of Your District December 7, 2011When we last reported on the movie viral for The Hunger Games, they revealed district seals and before that they were basically accepting citizenship and district registration. Various districts had various trades, such as mining, farming, fishing, power, etc. So its not to late to become a citizen of Panem…. Read More