Valentine’s Day Infographic Shows How Technology Is New Cupid Dan Koelsch, February 11, 2013February 11, 2013 Valentine’s Day is almost here yet again, and making the day special for a significant other is hard work. Fortunately, cellphones and the Internet have made it much easier in recent years, and a infographic from Mobistealth shows us how. Take a look after the break. Source: MobiStealth Viral News Valentine's Day
IMDB Lists Extra As Star of “Jack Reacher” Thanks To Reddit October 5, 2012October 5, 2012Alexander Rhodes was an extra in the action film Jack Reacher, starring Tom Cruise as the title character. This alone would not be an interesting story, especially since Rhodes is just another struggling actor like thousands of others in Hollywood. However, Rhodes figured out how to get his name above… Read More
‘Furious 7’ Title Confirmed; Marketing Campaign Revealed October 26, 2014October 26, 2014It’s been a long road for the cast and crew of the Fast and Furious 7 film, but with the release date just a couple of months away, Universal is shifting to kick their marketing campaign for the film into high gear. Now, I said Fast and Furious 7 film… Read More
Exclusive: We Help “Find Me Event” Unleash Their Abduction Video October 14, 2011October 14, 2011A few months ago we did an article on Find Me Event, the ARG where you, the viewer, takes part in locating a prisoner locked away by the evil Architect. This past week we gave you guys even more information with a promise that something big is right around the… Read More