“Muppets Most Wanted” Viral Marketing Campaign Launches Constantine BadFrog.Me Viral Site Michael Lee, March 13, 2014March 13, 2014 The viral marketing campaign for Muppets Most Wanted has appeared on Super Bowl spots, parodied Spy-genre movie posters, campaigned for Awards they are not eligible for, mocked the internet, even spited Adele Dazeem. Now the marketing team has launched a whole new site to help promote the upcoming movie before it opens next week, and it is entirely dedicated to the film’s protagonist, Constantine. Hit the jump to learn more.Constantine, Muppet co-star and the world’s number one most dangerous criminal, is the main focus of the BadFrog.me site, which seems to rely on the hashtag #badfrog. That social media tie-in will help Twitter users get on the site’s twitterboard to anyone who uses it. It also can be used for anyone who uses Instagram. So anyone who posts a selfie and uses the same hashtag will appear on the site’s instagram board.YouTube videos from the DisneyUk YouTube page are also on the forefront of this newly launched viral site. All of them are tailored to Constantine welcoming you to the website dedicated to the world’s most dangerous criminal.And just like any faux website there are fun goofs and gags for the user to browse through. Books, coffee mugs, and t-shirts are on “sale.” The book subpage is especially hilarious since there are faux newspapers, hollywood trades, and magazines praising the autobiography. It’s likely that the coffee mugs, t-shirts, and plush will be available to the public, the book and other items will probably never see the light of day. Disney’s “Muppets Most Wanted” takes the entire Muppets gang on a global tour, selling out grand theaters in some of Europe’s most exciting destinations, including Berlin, Madrid and London. But mayhem follows the Muppets overseas, as they find themselves unwittingly entangled in an international crime caper headed by Constantine—the World’s Number One Criminal and a dead ringer for Kermit—and his dastardly sidekick Dominic, aka Number Two, portrayed by Ricky Gervais.Directed by James Bobin (The Muppets) Muppets Most Wanted also stars Golden Globe host Tina Fey, as well as Ty Burrell, Ricky Gervais, Ray Liotta, and many more. Walt Disney Studios will release the film in theaters on March 21, 2014. Viral Marketing Viral News Viral Videos BadGrog.MeMuppets Most Wanted
“The Devil Inside” Ends With a Link, and Fan Screening Gets First Hand Possession January 7, 2012January 7, 2012While the reviews for this weekend’s new horror film The Devil Inside have been mixed at best, there is one thing most audiences have been unhappy about: the end. Get the details about the unusual ending for the found-footage exorcism thriller after the break, as well as how one audience… Read More
“The Hunger Games” Viral: Campaign for Mayor of Your District December 7, 2011When we last reported on the movie viral for The Hunger Games, they revealed district seals and before that they were basically accepting citizenship and district registration. Various districts had various trades, such as mining, farming, fishing, power, etc. So its not to late to become a citizen of Panem…. Read More
WETA Sells New Book “The Art of District 9”, More Nominations From Spike September 6, 2010September 6, 2010Even a year after its release, District 9 just can’t stop its roll of nominations and merchandise. Visual effects production house WETA’s new book, The Art of District 9: WETA Workshop, contains more than just a series of concept art pictures. Adding to that, SPIKE TV has nominated District 9… Read More