New “Wreck-It Ralph” Mockumentary “Garlan Hulse: Where Potential Lives” Mirrors “King Of Kong” Documentary Michael Lee, March 12, 2013 Last week Wreck-It Ralph was released on Blu-ray and DVD. There was a small viral campaign to go along with the theaterical release, which consisted of creating an actual Fix-It Felix Jr. arcade game and commercials promoting other arcade games, but now comes the most interesting aspect of the viral, which comes in the form of a mockumentary short. Hit the jump to see the full video.The mockumentary mirrors the documentary King of Kong, and centers on Garlan Hulse, child gaming prodigy, whose claim to fame was earning the top score of a Fix-It Felix Jr. game, only to be ousted weeks later. The mockumentary is called Garlan Hulse: Where Potential Lives. Wreck-It Ralph director Rich Moore narrates this hilarious short which runs at 28 minutes, a bit lengthy for a gag that is filled with a bio, Garlan’s rise and fall and rise to fame, but ends up being a perfect fit to the Wreck-It Ralph marketing scheme.The video is somewhat darker than any of the other Wreck-It Ralph marketing videos and the actual movie itself. But it is quite funny. Wreck-It Ralph is now out on store shelves in both Blu-ray and DVD.Here’s the video and tell us what you think. News Viral Marketing Viral Videos DisneyGarlan Hulse: Where Potential LivesRich MooreWreck-It Ralph
Viral Video: Thankful Oscars March 6, 2010March 6, 2010With the Academy Awards just one day away, the Oscars have a hold on the industry right now. Fortunately, all that coverage can give us some funny viral videos, like this one from Whirled Interactive, which creates a remix of several long Oscar acceptance speeches. With the producers of the… Read More
News Become a Campaign Manager for “The Campaign” July 25, 2012September 23, 2024MovieViral received a special package from Cam Brady’s campaign for Congress today, and we’ve been hired as honorary Campaign Managers for his reelection bid against Marty Huggins. Of course, this is all for the upcoming film “The Campaign,” starring Will Ferrell and Zach Galifianakis, which is set to release August… Read More
Check it out: G.I.Joe Viral Campaign July 21, 2009July 21, 2009G.I.Joe, which releases August 7th, has ‘gone viral’. First, is the G.I.Joe: Make the Grade Quiz. It gives insight on some of the weapons that have been developed over the years, like exploding dogs. Take a look: Second, and probably to many more interesting, is this video of one of… Read More