New “Star Trek Into Darkness” Trailer Sends You On An Easter Egg Hunt To Find New Poster Christopher Moore, March 21, 2013 The eagle-eyed viewers of TrekMovie found hidden URLs within the different localized versions of the new Star Trek Into Darkness international trailer. These URLs link to the new international posters for the film. Check out where they found the hidden link in the UK/Austrailan trailer and the new revealed international poster after the break.In the UK and Austrailan trailers, the URL was found in the same spot. It was probably easy to miss because of Alice Eve in her undies. The new international trailer is below:TrekMovie took a screenshot of the scene clip with the hidden found the hidden URL in the new UK/Australian trailer.Using the link found in the trailer (, you get to see the new international poster for Star Trek Into Darkness. Here’s the revealed UK/Austrailan poster:To see where the links were found in some of the other localized trailers and the different localized variations on the international poster, you can check out TrekMovie.Star Trek Into Darkness opens in theaters on May 17th. Viral Marketing J.J. AbramsStar Trek Into Darkness
Watch All Of Conan’s “Missing You” Commercials September 29, 2010For the past two weeks, TBS has been rolling out a bunch of 20 second TV spots (9 so far) for the new Conan O’Brien show. The “Missing You” series of ads has John Waite’s 1984 hit song of the same name playing over people who are coping with missing… Read More
‘Man Of Steel’ Viral Site Teaches You Everything About Krypton November 5, 2013With Zack Snyder‘s Man of Steel hitting Blu-ray/DVD shelves next week, Warner Brothers has launched a brand new viral website for the film called The site is designed specifically to teach you everything the humans (LexCorp and S.T.A.R. Labs to be more precise) have learned about the planet Krypton…. Read More
“Puzzles” is Finally Open! January 2, 2012January 3, 2012During tonight’s episode of How I Met Your Mother, Ted and Barney spontaneously decide to open the bar, Puzzles, which they discussed (while drunk) back in the 2009 episode, “Three Days of Snow”. When they open it in Ted’s apartment, hilarity ensues. If the episode itself isn’t funny enough for… Read More