Microsoft and Lionsgate Team Up for “The Hunger Games Explorer” Dan Koelsch, April 15, 2013 If you’re looking for a more interactive experience when it comes to The Hunger Games film series, then you’re in luck. In preparation for Catching Fire, Lionsgate and Microsoft have partnered to bring you The Hunger Games Explorer, an customizable hub for all things Panem. Get the details after the break. PC Mag has much of the details of this new endeavor, which is designed especially for touch screen tablets to show off Internet Explorer 10 and HTML5. The site is populated with the latest news on the film, as well a plethora of links to social media and other relevant websites. Even fans get some screen time thanks to smaller squares filling in the gaps. Check out the behind-the-scenes video below for more details on the promotional project.The Hunger Games: Catching Fire opens November 22nd. The site is bit overwhelming for my taste, but let us know what you think of it in the comments below. Viral Marketing The Hunger GamesThe Hunger Games: Catching Fire
Even More District 9 Updates! July 23, 2009January 16, as a few new updates to report on well. If you hover over the statue, you will get 2 news clips (one on the human, one on the non-human). One clip talks about the seizing of weapons, both alien and police, while the other talks about setting up possible… Read More
House iPhone App Has Mini Episodes and More May 20, 2010May 20, 2010This week was the 6th season finale for FOX’s hit show House M.D., but if you are afraid of going through Princeton‑Plainsboro withdrawal, fear not, for the network has a summer solution for you. The recently-launched InHouse app will have “appisodes” that follow Nurse Jeffrey. More details after the jump. Read More
New Moon Trailer May 31, 2009May 1, 2010I know what you’re thinking. Dan, why do you care about New Moon? Well, for one, the Twilight saga books were pretty good. The film fell below it’s potential, but with a bigger budget and new director, I’m hopeful. I also liked the actors who played the characters. So, there’s… Read More