The Man of Steel: Financial Success of Superman [Infographic] Dan Koelsch, June 4, 2013 In honor of Superman’s 75th anniversary and this month’s release of Man of Steel, created an infographic that shows how financially strong the super brand is. Check it out after the break.Courtesy of: – Hot Financial News Viral Marketing infographicMan of Steel
Viral Video: Mad Men Promo in Kinetic Typography June 8, 2010Kinetic typography is simply the animation of text. By itself it doesn’t sound that interesting, but when you combine it popular movies and television, you can make gold. Just see the famous Pulp Fiction example. Avoid Ego Media tries to replicate that success using a clip from AMC’s Mad Men…. Read More
Watch The Characters of Oliver Stones’ “Savages” Get Interrogated June 12, 2012June 12, 2012Savages will be the alternate movie for those who don’t want to see The Amazing Spider-Man on the July 4th weekend. So if you’re in the mood for drug trafficking movies, then you might want to catch this flick. So in order to drive up some interest for the film,… Read More
Enlist With The International Fleet In This Latest Recruitment Viral Video For “Ender’s Game” July 17, 2013The International Fleet continues their search for new young recruits with their latest recruitment video for the upcoming film, Ender’s Game. In the video, Colonel Graff (Harrison Ford) reminds us that we need to prepare for the next invasion and that in order to be properly prepared, we need heroes… Read More