Watch Today’s “Man of Steel” Premiere Live Webcast Dan Koelsch, June 10, 2013June 9, 2013 Warner Bros.’ Man of Steel has its world premiere today in New York at 5:30PM EDT, and you can watch the live broadcast of the red carpet right here. Fans can submit questions and comments during the live feed, using #manofsteel or #manofsteelpremiere. Watch the embedded video of the broadcast after the break. Viral Marketing Man of SteelRed Carpet
Second Iron Man Clue Hits And It’s Just As Confusing December 14, 2009December 14, 2009Here it is, the second clue in the CONFIRMED viral for Iron Man 2. Jon Favreau used his twitter account today to announce that the second clue would be posted on Screenrant today, and here it is. It seems that we were right to be be picking up on the… Read More
“Super 8” Deleted Scene Features Rocket Poppeteers June 27, 2011We know that the Rocket Poppeteers side of the Super 8 viral campaign has a sponsoring tie-in with 7-Eleven. What we didn’t know is that the partnership originally made its way into the film itself. After the break, check out a deleted scene from Super 8 that has the kids… Read More
“The Hunger Games” Viral Knows Who You Are August 29, 2011August 30, 2011Maybe Lionsgate didn’t give it some thought at first, but when we wrote an article about a possible viral site for The Hunger Games, the studio called to inform us that they weren’t marketing such a site nor were they affiliated with it. Naturally we edited it to inform you… Read More