Enter The IGN “Pacific Rim” Jaeger Design Contest To Win An Assortment Of Fabulous Prizes David Weaver, June 21, 2013June 21, 2013 Designing a Jaeger is no small feet, because they’re big…and they have big feet. Anyway, bad jokes aside, apparently the director of Pacific Rim, Guillermo del Toro, wants you to have a go at it yourself and design your very own Jaeger for a chance to win one of three prizes. Find out the details for this titan-sized opportunity after the break.Art design contests aren’t anything particularly new, but what is a little different about this one is that the fine folks over at Warner and Legendary have actually gone the extra mile and provided an Art Asset Kit for you to download. Included in this kit is none other than the 3D model for the Jaeger called Gypsy Danger. The model is fully customizable and can be manipulated using a 3D tool set such as Autodesk’s 3DS Max program. Just load up the file and poof, there is Gypsy in all its wire-frame glory ready for you to tool around with.To those out there who aren’t aware, this is actually a very cool bonus and an extraordinary opportunity for all those hungry artists out there to possibly get noticed by some Hollywood big leagues. This contest is also about winning some prizes, so with movie tickets and autographed Pacific Rim movie memorabilia to be won, there is plenty up for grabs. But by far the coolest item is the grand prize, which is a 3D printer that has a value of at least $2,500, not to mention how incredibly awesome those things are.You can enter as many Jaeger designs as you like, but you can only win one prize, so perhaps quality is better than quantity here. There will be 15 finalists chosen who will go on to the final round where Guillermo del Toro, IGN, Warner Bros. and Legendary will team up and decide who takes home the crown. Hurry up and get those Jaegers uploaded, the final submission day is on June 27, which is less than a week away!You can find the contest home page and asset kit download here by clicking this link and for a personal message from Guillermo del Toro himself, follow this link here. Contests Viral Marketing Art ContestContestsPacific Rim
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