Hall of Armor: The Evolution of Iron Man [Infographic] Dan Koelsch, May 7, 2013May 7, 2013 Iron Man 3 had the second biggest US opening ever this past weekend, and seeing all 42 of Tony Stark’s suits may have gotten you thinking about the comic book history of the iconic armor. Fortunately, HalloweenCostumes.com has you covered with an enlightening infographic after the break.Infographic Created by HalloweenCostumes.com EDIT: I just found this other infographic that is based soley on the movies, so check it out as well! Viral Marketing infographicIron ManIron Man 3
Play the “Priest” Online Game in 3D! April 11, 2011April 11, 2011Have you ever wanted to slay bloodsucking vampires? Well now you get your chance! Screen Gems’ Priest is due out next month and they’re just beginning their online marketing campaign. Today an online game based on the film was launched that you can play in 3D! Read on for more. Read More
“X-Men: Days Of Future Past” Viral Marketing Attempts To Prove Magneto Was Involved In JFK Assassination November 26, 2013No major event in U.S. history is without its conspiracy theories. There are false flag operations, wars, the Presidency itself, even the one about the New World Order. But one conspiracy that has plenty of evidence but hasn’t been proven is the theory that the bullet that killed President John… Read More
Project Prometheus Website Updated With Hope of Three More High-Res Images March 27, 2012March 27, 2012The Project Prometheus website, which is part of the viral campaign for Ridley Scott’s Alien prequel Prometheus, has been updated to include all the high resolution images we’ve discovered so far and the promise of three more on the horizon. Get the details after the break. Read More