Review: “Kick-Ass” on YEAH! Dan Koelsch, August 16, 2013August 16, 2013 Back in March, we told you about YEAH!, a website that offers interactive movie rentals. In preparation for this weekend’s opening of Kick-Ass 2, I got a chance to try it out on the original 2010 film Kick-Ass. Read my thoughts on the experience after the break. For only $4.99, you can rent a movie from YEAH! for a period of 48 hours. However, you get much more than the movie. While your film streams, underneath is a treasure cove of content. You’ll get a text commentary that syncs up with the film, giving you lots of cool behind-the-scenes facts. To change things up, there are videos periodically throughout the movie from the filmmakers for even more insight. For Kick-Ass, there’s 20 minutes total with the comic book creator Mark Millar, 15 minutes with actor Christopher Mintz-Plasse, and 14 minutes with Kick-Ass 2 director Jeff Wadlow. There are even quizzes and polls sprinkled throughout to get you even more involved.Overall, I loved this interactive experience. I already am a fan of Kick-Ass, so learning even more about about the filmmaking process as we see it on screen is a real treat. The personality of the text commentary is fun and humorous, which prevents it from getting dull. It also provides links when appropriate, like to Spotify when a cool song is playing in the movie, or Wikipedia if you want to learn more about a topic being brought up. I was genuinely surprised by how much information was provided. Despite being a cinephile, I feel like I knew nothing about the film.You can save a dollar or two renting movies online elsewhere, but if you are looking to get the most bang for your buck, YEAH! is the way to go. Reviews Kick-AssYeah!
“Snowpiercer” Review: Strong Political Driven Actioner Running On Cool Sci-fi Themes June 23, 2014June 23, 2014Snowpiercer will probably never get the kind of recognition most widely released films get, but it sure has hell of a chance having a long shelf life on the indie circuit. Bong Joon Ho adaptation of Snowpierecer is no ordinary comic book adaptation, it’s in a class of its own…. Read More
“Thor: The Dark World” Movie Review November 6, 2013November 6, 2013Marvel’s Cinematic Universe continues this Friday with the theatrical release of Thor: The Dark World. The sequel to the 2011 superhero blockbuster is the second film in Marvel’s “Phase II” movie slate as we move our way closer to The Avengers: Age of Ultron. Read my spoiler-free review after the… Read More
Harry Brown Review: Revenge Best Served Old? April 28, 2010May 1, 2010While the UK film Harry Brown starring Michael Caine has been around since September of 2009, it’s finally getting its American debut this weekend. The marketing is trying to sell it as a brutal revenge film along the likes of the international hit Taken. Does it live up to those… Read More