Viral Website For “Star Wars Rebels” Promotes TIE Fighters Dan Koelsch, October 21, 2013 Lucasfilm has created a website for their fictional company Sienar Fleet Systems, a major ship manufacturer in the Star Wars universe. The website,, seems to have been made for the new animated show Star Wars Rebels, which debuts next year. It’s just an image right now (see above), but we’ll let you know more is added to the website. Thanks to Jay West for the heads up. Viral Marketing Star WarsStar Wars Rebels
Let Me In’s “Bloody” Viral Marketing July 14, 2010July 16, 2010To me, one of the best forms of viral marketing is that physical piece that gives the recipient a special feeling. Sometimes it’s a cell phone or a flash drive with confidential info. Perhaps it’s a wallet or a birthday cake. And sometimes, it’s a funnel…. with dried up blood… Read More
Scott Pilgrim Facebook Page Needs 100,000 Fans to Premiere New Trailer (Update: Now Live!) May 30, 2010July 10, 2010The folks behind Scott Pilgrim Vs. The World are holding the new trailer for the summer movie hostage until the official Facebook Page gains 100,000 Fans (or “Likes” as Facebook calls it now). So, if you’re a fan of the comic book or are just interested in the new film… Read More
Dimension Films’ “Apollo 18” Lets You Ask UFOlogist Stan Friedman Questions August 24, 2011Briefly: To help promote their upcoming found footage Sci-Fi thriller Apollo 18, Dimension Films sponsored an IAmA Reddit thread with UFOlogist Stan Friedman, where you could ask him questions related to the film or UFOs. However, the thread quickly got ugly with users attacking Friedman for being part of a… Read More