2014 Best Picture Nominee Posters In Lego Form Michael Lee, February 13, 2014February 13, 2014 American commercials may not be as adept to getting A-list stars to appear on their commercials like international commercials do – have you seen what they did for The Lego Movie-, but they sure know how to spark some interest through satirizing or parody. Now the film may not be in contention for any awards for 2013, but The Lego Movie‘s success has already made a case for itself to win some major awards in 2015. So while we wait to see if the Academy agrees with us, we will have to settle for this year’s Best Picture nominees in Lego Form.In a fun and amusing attempt to generate more interest in the Oscars, Yahoo has just released posters for all nine of the Best Picture nominees in Lego form. That’s right, some of those memorable posters you have been seeing for Gravity, Her, 12 Years A Slave, American Hustle, Philomena, Nebraska, Captain Philips, Dallas Buyers Club, and The Wolf Of Wall Street have been recreated to look like those Lego minifigures. Hit the jump to see them all. As I’ve said, these posters are pretty amusing, especially when they try to turn some human features into Lego form.Which one is your favorite? Which film do you think will win Best Picture. Tune in to find out, when Ellen Degeneres hosts the Oscars on ABC on March 2 at 5 p.m. Viral Marketing Viral News 12 Years A SlaveAmerican HustleCaptain PhilipsDallas Buyers ClubGravityHerNebraskaPhilomenaThe Wolf of Wall Street
When Virals Fail To Live Up to Their Potential April 7, 2011April 7, 2011Movie virals have always been a huge part of the film industry since the dawn of its simplest form; the movie trailer. Its only now that virals have become more prevalent to studios since they introduced a more interactive version for fans and moviegoers. There are effective virals, the virals… Read More
“Jurassic World” Viral Site Reveals Countdown to Thanksgiving November 18, 2014November 18, 2014Briefly: Yesterday, a viral site for the fictional company, Masrani Global, went online. It was quickly discovered that this was the start of an ARG for the highly anticipated Jurassic World. Within the website, there were several pages containing information about Masrani as well as the actual Jurassic World theme… Read More
Must Watch: “Pride and Prejudice” As a Modern Day Vlog Series April 14, 2012April 14, 2012Many believe the classic novel Pride and Prejudice to be one of the best stories ever told. So, it’s not surprising that we’ve seen countless retellings on both the big and small screen, as well as more unorthodox takes like Seth Grahame-Smith’s Pride and Prejudice and Zombies. Hank Green of… Read More