“The Simpsons” Gets A Lego Designed Episode Michael Lee, February 20, 2014 Briefly: With the success of all the Lego video games and the recent smash hit The Lego Movie crushing the box office, the team behind Fox’s The Simpsons are teaming up with the toy company to create an episode designed entirely by Lego.Fox consumer products say that the episode will air on May 4. According to Retuers, The episode, entitled “Brick Like Me,” will see family patriarch Homer Simpson wake up in a Springfield where everyone and everything is made out of Legos, and he must figure his way out before he gets stuck in the plastic world forever.The Lego company has already released a Simpsons House Lego set priced at $199.99, complete with Homer, Marge, Bart, Lisa, and Maggie. According to reports there will also be more characters like Ned Flanders, Krusty the Clown, and others released in May. News Viral Marketing Viral News The Simpsons
District 9 Cleans Up at Key Art Awards June 12, 2010The Key Art Awards, sponsored by The Hollywood Reporter, honor achievements in artwork and other promotional materials advertising films. Seems right up our alley, right? This year’s 39th annual event was held last night at Vibiana in Los Angeles, and one of our favorites, District 9, had quite the evening…. Read More
Repo Men: The Union HR Dept. Now Hiring February 23, 2010February 24, 2010We reported yesterday that The Union had decided that people who have fallen behind in their payments will have their Artiforg’s reposed. Now The Union’s Human Resources Department are looking for Repo Men to chase down those unfortunate souls who have their artificial implants inside them. Read More
“Real Steel” Starts a Viral Campaign March 15, 2011June 16, 2011Promotions for Walt Disney Pictures’ upcoming rock em’ sock em’ robots film Real Steel has been quiet as of late. Perhaps one of the reasons why is that rather than releasing clips or a new trailer the studio has gone forward with a viral marketing campaign. Marketing has started at… Read More